Events News

IYL School Day Grant

The IYL School Day is coming up. On 10. November students all over the world will learn more about light and light based technologies. Please motivate your members to participate. A template on how to contact schools can be found in the IAPS owncloud.

Help from IAPS is also available: To enable more events IAPS has issued a call for proposals to support events regarding the IYL School Day. The grant proposal can be found on the IAPS IYL School Day webpage.

Also, please feel free to contact us (iyl (at) iaps dot info) at any time, if you have any questions regarding the IYL School Day or grant.


Results of the IAPS AGM 2015

Dear members of IAPS,

We are sorry for the delay, but finally the minutes of this years Annual General Meeting which was held in August in Zagreb, Croatia are here now. With this we also want to thank James Kneller for being the secretary during the AGM 2015 and Thomas Kotzott for chairing the meeting.

As voted on at the meeting the IAPS regulations were updated.

The formulation of IMAP grant has been changed for the academic year 15/16, as discussed in the AGM.

Furthermore we would also like to introduce the Code of Conduct. Every IAPS member should act in accordance with the code, which should to be part of the terms and condition for every IAPS event, so please add them accordingly.

All relevant documents (Minutes, Code of conduct, IMAP, regulations update) can be found in the IAPS owncloud folder (IAPS_Member/AGM 2015/Results).

If you have any comments please send them to the EC.

Events News

Lights of Tuscany

IAPS and the Italian Association of Physics Students are happy to announce a new event for the end of this year!

Lights of Tuscany takes place at the end of the International Year of Light, with five days of full immersion on light-related themes! In December, 17-21 it will be possible to come to Pisa and visit research centres such as the physics facilities of the University of Pisa, the VIRGO (gravitational interferometer), the NEST (laboratory of nanoscience which strongly collaborates with the Scuola Normale Superiore), the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. We will also move to Florence to the European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS).

Banner of Lights of Tuscany

During the opening ceremony there will be a LIGHTtalk: profiles from academia, artists, journalists and entrepreneurs are going to discuss themes related to light, its interdisciplinarity and its importance for progress and development. Social activities and sightseeing are also included, with a Pisa by Night and an entire free day in Florence, with the optional possibility to visit the Uffizi Gallery.

All the activities will be held in English, and we expect 2/3 of the participants to be international. All members of IAPS can apply. Check here to see if you are a member.

Programme, registration form and more details are available on the official portal

Registration closes 15 October and the participation fee is 110 €. There are around 40 places so be quick.


2015 Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony Stream and Chat

The 25th Ig Nobel ceremony is just behind the corner! If you haven’t got a ticket, don’t fret just yet:  you can still see the improbable (and incredible) show live from the comfort of your home. The ceremony will be streamed here on Friday 18th, starting at 12 am CET.

The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people laugh, and then make them think. The winners come to a gala ceremony at Harvard University’s Sanders Theatre, and then give public lectures at MIT.

The 25th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony will introduce ten new Ig Nobel Prize winners – Each has done something that makes people laugh then think.
Winners will travel to the ceremony, at their own expense, from around the world to receive their prize from a group of genuine, genuinely bemused Nobel Laureates, in Harvard’s historic and largest theater.


Events News

Launch of iaps4fusion!

We are finally ready to launch our iaps4fusion programme!

At the end of September, a group of 40 students will be visiting the United Kingdom for a set of tours and talks, focusing on Plasma Physics! During this event, we will be at the University of Oxford, the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy and Imperial College London. We will also offer the opportunity to walk around the beautiful cities in which we will stay for a total of almost 5 days.

We are proud to announce that we are going to be able to offer all this for a fee of €120 per person, which, we can assure you, is only allowed by our generous sponsors.

To read more about the programme and get ready for the beginning of registrations (August 2nd, 13:00 CET), please head towards the event page.


IAPS 2022-2023

Frontiers of Quantum Optics

Logo of the International Year of Light 2015 (vertical)

A very special event in the International Year of Light will take place on October 25-30, 2015, in the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef, Germany, and advanced master and PhD students are very welcome to participate.
The 600th Heraeus seminar will give an overview on the recent achievements in the field of quantum optics, namely the Bose Einstein condensation of light and matter, Hawking radiation, the Unruh effect, tests of the foundations of quantum mechanics, etc.

Confirmed speakers of the seminar are the world’s leading experts in the field of quantum optics, including the three Nobel Laureates: Prof. William D. Philipps, Prof. Dr. Theodor W. Hänsch and Prof. Dr. Roy J. Glauber.

Thanks to the generous support of the Heraeus foundation, accommodation and meals will be provided for all selected participants free of charge.

Don’t miss this fascinating opportunity to learn more about the quantum nature of light and matter!

Website of the 600. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar                    we-heraeus-logo-125w

Events News Past Events

iaps@GranSasso2015 conclusion

After such a long planning, our absolutely amazing days in Italy were extremely rewarding! Just look at this great bunch of people and their smiles, as they stand 1400 meters below the rock at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory:


You can find a selection of pictures and some numbers of the event at this link!

This event, a collaboration between IAPS and the Italian Association of Physics Students (AISF), was an overwhelming success: as organisers, we can say that everything went very smoothly; as participants, we are happy to say that it was a unique experience, extremely educational and fascinating.

Both our visits in Frascati (near Rome) and close to the Gran Sasso Mountain were extremely successful, with many talks given by researchers about superconductivity, laser physics, magnetic confinement fusion, neutrinos, beta-beta decays and dark matter. You can find some pictures and short descriptions of the programme at this link.

The organising committee, composed of Francesco Sciortino and Deividas Sabonis, would like to take the opportunity to thank the IAPS and AISF collaborators, in particular Matthias Zimmermann, Andreea Monteanu, Leon Jurčić and Lucio Maria Milanese. Many thanks also to Dr. Pace (ENEA Frascati) for so kindly welcoming us, and to Prof. Testa, ENEA President, for his financial support.

Our warmest thanks go to the Gran Sasso researchers, who showed the best of their world-class research and a clear interest in sharing their passion with students: Stefano Ragazzi, Eugenio Coccia, Massimo Mannarelli, Alba Formicola, Fausto Chiarizia, Natalia Di Marco, Roberto Aloisio, Matteo Lorenzini, Giulia Pagliaroli, Matthias Junker and all our tour visits and speakers.

IAPS 2022-2023

Balaton Summer School

The Hungarian Association of Physics Students (Mafihe) organizes the Balaton Summer School (BSS), which will be held July 20 – July 26, 2015 at Lake Balaton, Hungary.

The Summer School tries to complete the education of the physics students at the university with giving them the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a special branch of science and learn the newest achievements in research. It is also the place where the students have the chance to discuss their ideas and use the knowledge which they gained during the semesters.

Speakers are invited in all the hot topics in physics which are related to light. The topics will include spectroscopy, photonics, quantum optics, astrophysics and laser physics.

Fore more detailed information and registration:


IAPS 2022-2023

LAMELIS 2015 – Summer school on Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences

The city of Szeged is proud to have been chosen as the site of one of the four pillars of a massive European laser project entitled ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure). Szeged is going to host ELI-ALPS (Attosecond Light Pulse Source), a facility dedicated to ultra-short laser pulses. Apart from breaking new ground in the study of very fast atomic and molecular processes, it is also expected to bring about improvements in medicine and life sciences. To discuss and disseminate the implications of these developments, the University of Szeged organised a summer school entitled Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences (LAMELIS) in 2014 (the talks are available on Youtube). The organisers feel that the feedback they have received on the quality of the talks and the atmosphere of the first event is not only an encouragement but also an obligation to establish a tradition, so they announce a LAMELIS again this year. The LAMELIS 2015 summer school will be held between 13th and 18th July.

The summer school is open to both medical students and physics students. Although the theoretical depth of talks is tailored for medical students, the programme can also benefit physics students as they can learn of medical applications of lasers directly from distinguished experts of the field and receive first-hand information on the current status of ELI-ALPS.

Further information:
Application Form

IAPS 2022-2023

Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme – wrapping up!

Registration for the Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme is now closed! Thanks to all those who registered in the past week! Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer a place to everyone, but we will try our best to satisfy as many as possible.

The Organizing Committee will shortly be in contact with all those who completed the registration form. We are really looking forward to meeting the group in Rome in just a few weeks!