Niloofar Jokar (she/her)
Home country: Iran
Home university: University of Basel, Switzerland
Interests in physics: Theoretical Particle Physics
Current position: Master’s Student
Three words to describe IAPS: Solidarity, Creativity, Passion
Email: president@iaps.info, niloofar.jokar@iaps.info

Vice President & PR Manager
Dimitris Gkavakos (he/him)
Home country: Greece
Home university: University of Athens
Interests in physics: Medical Physics
Current position: Bachelor’s Student
Three words to describe IAPS: Innovative, Connective, Inspirative
Email: dimitris.gkavakos@iaps.info

Sixtine Santiago-Perez-Dupas (she/her)
Home country: UK
Home university: University of Bath, UK
Interests in physics: Astrophysics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity
Current position: Master’s Students
Three words to describe IAPS: Collaborative, Fun, Encouraging
Email: sixtine.spd@iaps.info

Secretary & Data Protection Officer
Thibault Fredon (he/him)
Home country: France
Home university: Massachusetts Institute of Technology / PSFC, USA
Interests in physics: Plasma Science
Current position: PhD Student
Three words to describe IAPS: Solidarity, Opportunities, Friendship
Email: thibault.fredon@iaps.info

Membership Manager
Irene Carrión López (she/her)
Home country: Spain
Home university: University of Stuttgart, Germany
Interests in physics: Quantum Information Theory
Current position: Master’s Student
Three words to describe IAPS: Opportunities, Connections, Motivation
Email: irene.carrion.lopez@iaps.info

Events Manager
Leonor Andrade (she/her)
Home country: Portugal
Home university: University of Porto
Interests in physics: Magnetic Materials, Condensed Matter Physics, Energy devices
Current position: Master’s Student
Three words to describe IAPS: Inspiring, Enjoyable, Exciting
Email: leonor.andrade@iaps.info

Outreach Manager
Elena Martinez (she/her)
Home country: Spain
Home university: Autonomous University of Barcelona
Interests in physics: Astrophysics and Cosmology
Current position: Bachelor’s Student
Three words to describe IAPS: Passion, Friendship, Opportunities
Email: elena.martinez@iaps.info

Recruitment Manager
Gabriel Barrios (he/him)
Home country: Guatemala
Home university: University San Carlos de Guatemala
Interests in physics: Mathematical Physics, High Energies and Numerical Mathematics
Current position: Bachelor’s Graduate
Three words to describe IAPS: Community, Opportunities, Encouraging
Email: gabriel.barrios@iaps.info

IT Manager
Roberto Ciccarelli (he/him)
Home country: Italy
Home university: Universita di Torino
Interests in physics: Mathematical Physics, Field Theories and Conserved Quantities
Current position: PhD Student
Three words to describe IAPS: Physics, Passion, People
Email: roberto.ciccarelli@iaps.info
Previous ECs
Looking for the previous ECs? Go to the Former Executive Committees page and find out who they were!