Dear members of IAPS,
We are sorry for the delay, but finally the minutes of this years Annual General Meeting which was held in August in Zagreb, Croatia are here now. With this we also want to thank James Kneller for being the secretary during the AGM 2015 and Thomas Kotzott for chairing the meeting.
As voted on at the meeting the IAPS regulations were updated.
The formulation of IMAP grant has been changed for the academic year 15/16, as discussed in the AGM.
Furthermore we would also like to introduce the Code of Conduct. Every IAPS member should act in accordance with the code, which should to be part of the terms and condition for every IAPS event, so please add them accordingly.
All relevant documents (Minutes, Code of conduct, IMAP, regulations update) can be found in the IAPS owncloud folder (IAPS_Member/AGM 2015/Results).
If you have any comments please send them to the EC.