
IAPS EC statement on climate change and the Student Strike for Climate

Due to its nature as a global organisation for cooperation between Physics students, IAPS is a particularly important platform for serious discussion around scientific topics, including reflection on how research impacts public policy and what the scientific community can do to influence policy on relevant issues that directly relate to its work and its understanding of natural phenomena.

As is generally known, climate change is, most likely, the issue that is most representative of the dangers of public decision-makers not following or falling short of taking necessary action to address long-standing, evidence-based scientific consensus.

Consequently, the Executive Committee of IAPS considers it is of utmost importance for all in the scientific community to make sure the public and its representatives are paying attention to the all too real threat of a climate crisis, especially those who represent future of Science: students.

In order to do its part in calling attention to climate change, the EC decided to release a statement stressing the seriousness of this issue, mentioning the insufficient efforts by many governments – some not even accomplishing the timid goals of the Paris Climate Agreement – and underlining the positive impact of various forms of action, including the Student Strike for Climate. Though much has been done recently, it is clear more ambitious measures must be taken.

Read through the statement below!

Events News Opportunities

ICPS 2019 – Last registration opportunity for waiting list

The ICPS 2019 Organising Committee has opened registrations one final time to allow for a participation possibility for those who are still interested but were unable to sign up between the first and second rounds.

As all the places for ICPS Cologne are already filled, this final round is based on a waiting list, ordered according to date and time of registration, as it is expected that some already accepted participants might have to renounce their place for various possible reasons, a phenomenon observed every year.

So, if you haven’t signed up and want to attend the biggest IAPS event, this is your opportunity to register!


May is IAPS Student Mental Health Awareness Month

IAPS Student Mental Health Awareness Month

This May, IAPS is promoting on its social media a series of articles, research and testimonies related to student mental health.

An often overlooked topic, mental health is critical for students’ academic achievements and work-life balance in general, with psychological studies – as pointed out here – regularly concluding and pointing out the harm of frequent excessive levels of stress and psychological pressure in academia on emotional equilibrium, motivation and productivity in the workplace or in studies.

With this initiative, the IAPS Executive Committee hopes to contribute to a better understanding of the obstacles students, including those who study Physics, face in academia, be it in courses, research and work practice.

Events Opportunities

ICPS 2019 Grants and Scholarships available

The ICPS 2019 Organising Committee (OC) has announced two opportunities for financial support in ICPS 2019 attendance.

The Bonn Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS) is supporting five Travel Grants, by reimbursement, of up to 400€ to cover conference fee and travel costs for students from Europe presenting a scientific contribution at ICPS.

The Dr. Karl Mey Scholarships, established by the DPG to promote young scientist from Central and Eastern Europe, are supporting with up to 600€ for conference fee and travels costs up to six ICPS participants from Central and Eastern European countries presenting a scientific contribution at ICPS.

To find out how to apply and to check if you can apply, read instructions here!

If you can apply, don’t miss this opportunity!

jIAPS Opportunities

jIAPS 2019 Edition Article Topics Call

The Editorial Team of jIAPS is looking for article ideas for this year’s edition!
So, they have opened a call for article topics until this sunday, April 14th for IAPS members and alumni!

If you want to have your work, thoughts or experiences in jIAPS 2019, come up with up to two themes, write your motivation for them and fill in this form with that information! You free to choose various topics and approaches, from the difference of working experience in academia and industry to Science outreach and communication or the importance of diversity and equality in Physics.

You have until around the end of May to send the 500-700 word article itself. For now, you just need focus on selecting your topic of choice and submit the form!

Answer the call of jIAPS!


ICPS 2019 – Second Round Registrations call

Registrations for the International Conference of Physics Students (ICPS) 2019 have opened in a second round from April 1st to the 15th.

If you missed the first round in February, you have an opportunity to sign up for this awesome conference in Cologne, Germany, where Science, Culture and social activities with hundreds of your fellow Physics students will make for a week of fun, learning and establishing contacts and friendships across the world!

In this round, the Organising Committee has launched an exciting Poster Challenge. Read about how to participate here!

Check out all the ICPS 2019 information here and register through the Member Network!

Remember to follow ICPS 2019 on Facebook and Instagram!

Events News

Extraordinary General Meeting called for May

The Executive Committee, per IAPS Charter point 17.2, has called for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held on Saturday, May 11th 2019 at 6:00 PM CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2) with physical location at the University of Oulu, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Oulu, Finland and online access.

The main purpose is to determine who will carry on the PR Manager duties until the end of the current term, following the resignation of Sofia Ferreira Teixeira, and to review some of the main IAPS documents. Read the full provisional agenda below.

Provisional Agenda:
1. Election of Chair, Secretary and Tellers
2. Checking quorum
3. General announcements
4. Approval of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (AGM)
5. Selection of the new IAPS EC PR Manager
6. Approval of the updated IAPS Code of Conduct
7. IAPS’s Affiliated Commission application to the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
8. Discussion on proposed changes to the IAPS Charter and Regulations
9. Discussion on a proposal to change the IAPS membership of individual members and alumni in the future
10. Other points of interest

If you have any questions, wish to attend the meeting remotely or want to propose other items to the agenda, write to

IAPS 2022-2023

HYPE 2019 “Space Matters” – Registrations Call

HYPE logo

The Associazione Italiana Studenti di Fisica (AISF) – NC Italy is joining the International Students of History Association once again to hold the second edition of the HistorY and Physics Experience (HYPE).

Between the 10th and the 12th of May, 40 students of History and Physics are meeting in Rome under the theme “Space Matters” to explore the history of Space travel, politics and technical developments, reflecting on what lies in the future.

Various workshops, a Women in Science roundtable, a city tour and lots of social activities to meet and share experiences with fellow students of Physics and History is the awesome program that awaits participants!

For more information and to register, check out the HYPE 2019 website and follow HYPE Facebook page!

The period of registrations is open until 5 pm CET on April 5th! Don’t miss the deadline!


IAPS EC Statement on international students in Denmark

The International Association of Physics Students represents, through its member committees along with individual members, thousands of students from all over the world Therefore, considering rights are a fundamental basis for students’ academic development and civic engagement, IAPS has the responsibility of addressing matters related to students’ rights, taking a stand whenever these are in any way undermined.

So, the IAPS Executive Committee has issued a statement to affirm its position on the danish government’s policy of reducing the number of international students opportunities in danish universities, including in Science-related courses.

The IAPS EC believes this decision is wrong and deeply hurtful, particularly for the scientific community, as it restricts the possibility of students, as future professionals of Science, to expand their cultural and scientific horizons, connect and establish working relationships and friendships with their colleagues from other countries and cultures and participate in projects that benefit from transnational, diverse perspectives – all fundamental aspects of the identity and dynamic of the global scientific community.

As Science and knowledge know no boundaries, so shouldn’t the institutions that have the purpose of enlightening students on the amazing and diverse areas of the scientific endeavour, of which all who share the drive to explore nature and the cosmos should be able to be a part.

Read through the statement below!


Mafihe-jDPG Exchange Program 2019 – Registrations call

Exchange Program 2019
Mafihe-jDPG Exchange Program 2019 poster

The Magyar Fizikushallgatók Egyesülete (Mafihe) – IAPS NC Hungary – is organising the Mafihe-jDPG  Exchange Program 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, in cooperation with the Junge Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (jDPG) – IAPS NC Germany.

The event will run between the 11th and the 14th of April, with the program including university and lab visits, lectures, social and cultural activities.

Mafihe has opened this edition to all IAPS members!

So, don’t hesitate to register here until April 1st to participate!

Follow Mafihe to keep up with the news!