Events News

Extraordinary General Meeting called for May

The Executive Committee, per IAPS Charter point 17.2, has called for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held on Saturday, May 11th 2019 at 6:00 PM CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2) with physical location at the University of Oulu, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Oulu, Finland and online access.

The main purpose is to determine who will carry on the PR Manager duties until the end of the current term, following the resignation of Sofia Ferreira Teixeira, and to review some of the main IAPS documents. Read the full provisional agenda below.

Provisional Agenda:
1. Election of Chair, Secretary and Tellers
2. Checking quorum
3. General announcements
4. Approval of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (AGM)
5. Selection of the new IAPS EC PR Manager
6. Approval of the updated IAPS Code of Conduct
7. IAPS’s Affiliated Commission application to the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
8. Discussion on proposed changes to the IAPS Charter and Regulations
9. Discussion on a proposal to change the IAPS membership of individual members and alumni in the future
10. Other points of interest

If you have any questions, wish to attend the meeting remotely or want to propose other items to the agenda, write to

IAPS 2022-2023

HYPE 2019 “Space Matters” – Registrations Call

HYPE logo

The Associazione Italiana Studenti di Fisica (AISF) – NC Italy is joining the International Students of History Association once again to hold the second edition of the HistorY and Physics Experience (HYPE).

Between the 10th and the 12th of May, 40 students of History and Physics are meeting in Rome under the theme “Space Matters” to explore the history of Space travel, politics and technical developments, reflecting on what lies in the future.

Various workshops, a Women in Science roundtable, a city tour and lots of social activities to meet and share experiences with fellow students of Physics and History is the awesome program that awaits participants!

For more information and to register, check out the HYPE 2019 website and follow HYPE Facebook page!

The period of registrations is open until 5 pm CET on April 5th! Don’t miss the deadline!


IAPS EC Statement on international students in Denmark

The International Association of Physics Students represents, through its member committees along with individual members, thousands of students from all over the world Therefore, considering rights are a fundamental basis for students’ academic development and civic engagement, IAPS has the responsibility of addressing matters related to students’ rights, taking a stand whenever these are in any way undermined.

So, the IAPS Executive Committee has issued a statement to affirm its position on the danish government’s policy of reducing the number of international students opportunities in danish universities, including in Science-related courses.

The IAPS EC believes this decision is wrong and deeply hurtful, particularly for the scientific community, as it restricts the possibility of students, as future professionals of Science, to expand their cultural and scientific horizons, connect and establish working relationships and friendships with their colleagues from other countries and cultures and participate in projects that benefit from transnational, diverse perspectives – all fundamental aspects of the identity and dynamic of the global scientific community.

As Science and knowledge know no boundaries, so shouldn’t the institutions that have the purpose of enlightening students on the amazing and diverse areas of the scientific endeavour, of which all who share the drive to explore nature and the cosmos should be able to be a part.

Read through the statement below!


Mafihe-jDPG Exchange Program 2019 – Registrations call

Exchange Program 2019
Mafihe-jDPG Exchange Program 2019 poster

The Magyar Fizikushallgatók Egyesülete (Mafihe) – IAPS NC Hungary – is organising the Mafihe-jDPG  Exchange Program 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, in cooperation with the Junge Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (jDPG) – IAPS NC Germany.

The event will run between the 11th and the 14th of April, with the program including university and lab visits, lectures, social and cultural activities.

Mafihe has opened this edition to all IAPS members!

So, don’t hesitate to register here until April 1st to participate!

Follow Mafihe to keep up with the news!

jIAPS Opportunities

jIAPS Article Contest – Call for applications

Along with the Worldwide Grant, there is another opportunity for attending the ICPS for free while developing your scientific work skills: the jIAPS Article Contest.

The contest is a great opportunity to write about any Physics-related topic you like and have your article published in jIAPS, the IAPS journal!

To apply for the contest, send your article to and

You can apply until 23:59 GMT, 28th February, so start writing as soon as possible!

Follow jIAPS on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with jIAPS news!


ICPS Worldwide Grant – Call for applications

ICPS 2019 registrations are open and, with them, so is a big opportunity for students that may want or need IAPS support in attending ICPS in Cologne: the ICPS Worldwide Grant!

By preparing a student lecture to be presented during the conference, applicants to the Worldwide Grant will have a chance to have the conference fee plus a considerable fraction of travel costs covered by IAPS!

This grant serves the purpose of rewarding students with a good academic record, history of participation in a Physics society and adequate lecturing skills, with priority given to those with financial hardship.

To apply to go to ICPS 2019 through this opportunity, you must prepare and send to a preliminary abstract of your student lecture, a letter of motivation, your CV and remaining documents specified in the Worldwide Grant webpage.

Applications are open until February 28th, so start preparing yours now if you plan on sending one!


iaps2CERN Registrations open!

February 1st marked the official opening of registrations for iaps2CERN, with a final deadline scheduled for February 28th! However, admissions begin on February 14th, so the quicker you register, particularly before this date, the higher the chances of attending the event!

iasp2CERN is an annual IAPS excursion to the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, organised by IAPS Executive Committee (EC) Events Manager, that articulates visits to CERN facilities with social activities within a friendly social environment and cultural experiences that allow for participants to get to know Geneva.

This year, iaps2CERN will be held between April 24th and 27th, coordinated by 2018/2019 mandate EC Events Manager Margaret Rosenberg.

To find out more about the amazing programme, go to the iaps2CERN official website!

To register now, go here.

Follow IAPS on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to watch for iaps2CERN updates!

This April, leave your conCERNs behind and join IAPS in our Nuclear and Particle Physics adventure!


ICPS 2019 Registrations open!

On February 1st, registrations for ICPS 2019 officially opened! This first call of registrations extends to February 28th!

The International Conference of Physics Students (ICPS) is the biggest IAPS event, that, every year, joins hundreds of Physics students affiliated with IAPS to participate in an extensive and broad programme of awesome scientific, cultural and social activities.

The ICPS 2019 edition will run from the 10th to the 17th of August in Cologne, Germany, organised by the junge Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (jDPG), the IAPS National Committee (NC) of Germany.

For more information, go to the ICPS 2019 Cologne website, where you can also find all necessary information about registration!

Follow ICPS 2019 on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with the news and announcements!

In August, be a part of this great convergence of members of the global community of Physics students that is IAPS in Cologne!


Become a Subbie!

An organisation as big as IAPS cannot be run only by the 9 physics students that make up the Executive Committee (EC). Several subcommittees in different areas exist and are constituted by IAPS members who devote their free time to help the EC on the day to day work of IAPS. These are the Subbies and you can be the next IAPS Subbie!

Several opportunities are open and you do not want to miss this chance! Volunteering and gathering experience in student associations is getting increasingly popular and it may even help you when you apply to your first job! You can be an enthusiastic beginner, a self-made pro looking to share knowledge or something in between. What is important is to have an open mind, good work ethics, the will to help and learn by doing.

This year, there are opportunities in several fields, from Events to Advocacy! Find out more here. And do not miss this chance to become a Subbie!


PLANCKS 2019 – A National Competition?

Do you know what PLANCKS is?

It is the Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kickass Students and in 2019, its 6th edition is going to take place from the 17th to the 19th of May in Odense, Denmark!

It is the theoretical team Physics Competition that decides which country has the most kickass students. 😉 Each country can send 2 (or 3) teams of 3 to 4 bachelor or master students. However, how do you choose who represents your country?

Well, you organise a preliminary! A PLANCKS preliminary is a national qualifier PLANCKS competition, where several teams from your country compete for a place in the final!

If you are considering organising a preliminary, you can find all the useful information in the Info-package. If you want to host a preliminary but don’t know how to do it, you can also check several PLANCKS Preliminary Examples and see what fits your country the best! After you decide to host a Preliminary, please register it here.

What are you waiting for? Find out more about PLANCKS 2019 here and get involved!