
16th Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics (April 27 – May 2, 2009 Kyiv, Ukraine)

Department of Astronomy & Space Physics and Science Association of Students and Postgraduates announce the 16th Open Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics. The conference will take place at the Faculty of Physics of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University on April 27 – May 2, 2009.

The conference is intended for participation of students, PhD students and young researches who are involved in research in one of the following fields:

  • astrometry and geophysics
  • plasma physics and physics of the near space
  • planetary systems
  • small bodies of the solar system
  • solar physics and physics of heliosphere
  • stellar astrophysics
  • interstellar medium
  • extragalactic astrophysics
  • high-energy astrophysics
  • cosmology
  • computers in astronomy
  • … related to the mentioned above

During the Conference each young participant should present a short report (12 minutes) or a poster (with a poster presentation of about 5 minutes). Besides students’ reports invited lectures are planned.

Participants can present their reports using either multimedia projector or projector for transparent films.

Working language of YSC’16 is English.

The conference programme also includes excursions to the Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine, Musuem of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, M.M.Gryshko National Botanic Garden, Kyiv city tour (by bus), Kyiv by night (walking tour) and conference dinner.

In order to participate in the conference it is necessary to submit information about yourself (name, address, institution, affiliation, etc.) along with a short abstract of your report via electronic registration form. The book of abstracts of YSC’16 will be published after deadline and distributed between the participants during the registration

The Proceedings of the YSC’16 will also be published after the Conference.


Rudolf Ortvay International Problem solving Competition in Physics

Dear Physics (and also other) Students!
The Hungarian Association of Physics Students is happy to announce,the 39th and for the 10th time international: 
Rudolf Ortvay International Problem solving Competition in Physics.
Date: 22nd October - 3rd November, 2008
The competition is electronic, so you are likely to join from any  country on the world if you are a university or PhD student in any field. 
The goal is to solve as many from the 30-40 problems given, these canbe downloaded from the web page above in several formats from 11 am(GMT), the 22nd of October, and send Your solutions back via email or fax till the deadline, that is 3rd November 2008. You have to solvethe problems by yourself (no group works are accepted) but you arewelcome to use any tools you wish (including computers). 
The assigned problems do not focus on school-level problem-solvingroutine but rather on the skills of physical way of thinking,recognition of the heart of the problem, and the appropriate choice in the mathematical armory. 
The competitors are selected into categories by their years of study(PhD students also form an separate category), so dear Undergraduates,don't be afraid to join!
 The first three places in each category are rewarded by a certainamount of money and an official certificate signed by the president of the jury, a well known university professor in Hungary, and thepresident of the Hungarian Association of Physics Students.Above this, the jury also rewards the best solutions to certainproblems, and there are also some special prices given, so if you only have one or two problems solves, its still wise to send them. 
During the past years prizes won in the Ortvay Contest became an evermore important factor in choosing the best candidates for thesistopics as well as PhD and student exchange scholarships. Among the one-time contestants and winners of the Ortvay Contest there areseveral internationally acknowledged researchers.
 If I made you curious, take a look at the problems, and you arewelcome to participate! 
All the best with your work! István Szécsényipresident, HAPS
Posted by IAPS EC on behalf of Mafihe.


New EC

The new EC was elected at the AGM in Krakow, Poland. Its composition is as follows:

  • Silvia Franklim, President
  • Jessica Stanley, Secretary
  • Jelmer Renema, Treasurer
  • Marko Banusic
  • Ragnhild Schrøder Hansen
  • Sergio Domingos
  • Radu Florin Stancu
  • Anton Muskeyev

jIAPS 3-2008 call for articles

The journal of the International Association of Physics Students (jIAPS) is looking for articles for its new issue.

The subject could be on any aspect of physics: anything from a straightforward report on a recent breakthrough in research, to recent advances in computer game physics engines, and everything in-between.

Email us an article pitch. Chances are if it’s interesting and even tangentially connected to physics we would be happy to commission it. The deadline for suggesting a topic is the 1st of October, after which you would have a month to write the thing.

For inspiration check out some of the back issues here or here.

Euan – jIAPS ed. (


jIAPS special issue for ICPS

A best-of issue of the journal was published and printed for this years ICPS conference in Krakow, Poland. Those of you who went hopefully snagged a copy. We think it turned out very well, and this was due in no small part to the Institute of Physics, who paid for the printing. So thanks again to all those at 76 Portland Place.

As usual, the issue is available both here at Issuu, and in a printable pdf format here.

Stay tuned for a new call for articles in the coming weeks.

Euan – jIAPS ed.

Events Past Events

Simposio Nacional de Estudiantes de Física 2008, Lima, Peru

The organisers of SNEF, the Peruvian national conference of physics students, have kindly offered IAPS a few free places for members who wish to present their work and take part in a physics students’ conference in South America. The conference will involve about 300 students with both guest and student lectures, posters, social activities and a tour of the local area.

Lectures and posters can be presented in either English or Spanish. Translators will be available.

Please see the SNEF website for more information.

Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, after which we’ll keep a waiting list in case anyone drops out. You will need to pay your own transport costs.

Places are very limited, so if you are interested in attending please sign up as soon as possible. When planning your travel, bear in mind that SNEF takes place the week after ICPS.

If you wish to attend, please email ec (at) iaps . info

Events Past Events

International Conference of Physics Students 2008, Cracow, Poland


The city of Cracow (Polish Krakow) lies in the southern part of Poland and
it is one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe. We have the great
honour of inviting you to this old and mysterious city for the XXIII International
Conference of Physics Students.

Delegates to ICPS will have opportunity to visit some interesting places in
the city as well as beyond Cracow. There will be a few guest lectures covering
a variety of physics topics. We have also prepared the traditional social programme
including the National party, where each nation represented at the conference
presents some national food and drink and performs a little show (song,
dance, comedy etc.). Participation is not mandatory, but if you participate,
please prepare for it. It is usually enjoyed by all.

Delegates are encouraged to present their work. Lectures and posters are
welcome on all areas of physics and physics-related topics. This is a good
opportunity to gain experience before a friendly audience.

The conference fee will be about 150 Euros and it will include access to
everything on the conference programme, all meals and accommodation. For
more info look on our website:


Austrian bid for ICPS 2010

NC Austria would like to host the ICPS on 2010. Their bid can be seen on their bid website.


New jIAPS!

Issue 2-2008 of the journal of the International Association of Physics Students has been released into the wilds of the internet. This issue features an interview with noted astronomer Sir Patrick Moore, a series of connected features looking into the strange world of quantum physics and gravitation, news of São Paulo’s own private ozone layer, and much more.

Like last time, in addition to hosting the journal in pdf format here, we have also put it up on Issuu. Issuu is designed to make reading magazine-type material on the internet easier and quicker. For a start jIAPS looks just like it would on paper: you can flick through the pages, and zoom as needed.

We like it, and we hope that you do too.

Events Past Events

IAPS / Mafihe Summer School- Nanophysics, Gyenesdiás, Hungary

The IAPS/MAFIHE summer school on nanophysics took place in Gyenesdiás from 7th-14th July.  30 students attended.

Lectures were given in English by well known Hungarian scientists, coming from the universities in Hungary and the Central Research Institute of Physics. Participants had the opportunity to visit the city and Festetics mansion of Keszthely, go hiking in the mountains around, relax on the beach and visit the world famous thermal lake Héviz.

Photographs are available here, it seems a good time was had by all.

The webpage and poster for the summer school contain more information.