
IAPS Annual General Meeting 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia!

Dear IAPS Members,

We are thrilled to announce that the next IAPS Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in person in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the 5th of August 2024, during the International Conference of Physics Students (ICPS).

AGM Agenda

Our agenda for the AGM is packed with essential topics and decisions that will shape the future of our organization. Here’s a glimpse of what to expect:

  1. Announcements
  2. Speaking Guidelines
  3. Tellers and Minute Takers election
  4. Confirmation of membership
    • Voting rights
    • New member
    • Expulsions
    • Quorum
  5. EGM 2024 Meeting Minutes
  6. EC Activity Report
  7. Proposed EC Structure 2025/2026
  8. IAPS Strategic Plan 2024-2027
  9. AC5 Council
    • AC5 Activity Report
    • AC5 Structure reform relative to the AC5 Council members
    • AC5 Structure reform relative to the ECSP
  10. External Relations
    • MoU ICTP
    • MoU FIT
    • MoU EMA
  11. Finances
    • Auditors’ report and current account status
    • Provisional budget of the period
  12. EC Election
  13. Auditors’ election
  14. Archivist election
  15. Alumni representative election
  16. AC5 Council election
  17. Assistant position election
    • Fundraising Officer
    • Advocacy Officer
    • jIAPS Editor in Chief election 
    • PLANCKS 2023 Final report
    • PLANCKS 2024 preliminary report
    • PLANCKS 2025 status update
    • PLANCKS 2026 host election
    • Working group creation TC UK & Ramp 
  19. ICPS
    • ICPS 2023 Final report
    • ICPS 2024 preliminary report
    • ICPS 2025 status update
    • ICPS 2026 host election
  20. School Day 2025 Topic Election
  21. IAPS Fellowship
  22. Charter Change 
    • Charter Change Majority
    • EC Agreement
  23. Regulation changes
    • PLANCKS report duty reform
    • Membership Fee Collection for Late Joining New Members
  24. Other Points

All related documentation is available for review on the IAPS Cloud, organized according to the agenda.

Call for Meeting Officials

We are seeking volunteers to serve as minute takers and tellers for the AGM. If you are interested, please reach out to us via email at

Delegate Registration

To register as a TC or LC delegate and to attend the Delegate Day (4/8), click the button below.

Position Applications for 2024/2025

If you are interested in applying for a position for the term 2024/2025, please submit your application to Your application should include a personal statement detailing your relevant experience and a CV. The available roles include:

    • President
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • Events Manager
    • Outreach Manager
    • PR Manager
    • IT Manager
    • Membership Manager
    • Recruitment Manager
  • Assistant Election
    • Fundraising Officer (working with the Treasurer)
    • jIAPS Editor in Chief (working with the PR Manager)
    • Advocacy Officer (working with the Membership Manager)
  • IAPS Archivist
  • AC5 Council Member
  • Alumni Representatives

Detailed descriptions of these roles can be found on the IAPS website.

Access to Documentation

All relevant documentation and information will be provided through the IAPS Cloud.

We look forward to seeing you at ICPS to engage in productive discussions to advance our organization.


IAPS Announces Winner of the AC5 Early Career Scientist Prize: Conor Ryan

The International Association of Physics Students (IAPS), in its capacity as the Affiliated Commission 5 (AC5) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), is thrilled to announce Conor Ryan as the recipient of the prestigious Early Career Scientist Prize.

Since its establishment in 1987, IAPS has been dedicated to fostering international collaboration among physics students, guided by its motto: “by Physics Students, for Physics Students.” The AC5 Early Career Scientist Prize empowers this commitment, celebrating those who demonstrate exceptional dedication and passion for physics within the global youth scientific community.

Celebrating Conor Ryan’s Achievements

Conor Ryan’s journey in physics is marked by academic excellence and impactful contributions to the physics community. Selected as a 2021 Laidlaw Scholar at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) during the COVID-19 pandemic, Conor embarked on a rigorous program to develop leadership skills and undertook a pioneering research project on quantum technology, supervised by Prof. Alessandro Lunghi.

Beyond his research, Conor demonstrated outstanding leadership within the Theoretical Physics Student Association (TPSA), where he played a key role in organizing events, enhancing academic opportunities, and advocating for Ireland’s CERN membership. His efforts lead to the successful hosting of the PLANCKS 2024 finals and the establishment of new roles within TPSA to ensure its lasting impact.

Conor’s second summer as a Laidlaw Scholar took him to the University of Parma, where he advanced his research in quantum technology and engaged in outreach activities, inspiring local secondary school students with workshops on quantum computing. His academic journey continued to flourish as he achieved a first-class grade in his final year research project and was awarded a Gold Medal by the Board of the University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin.

One of Conor’s notable achievements was his involvement in Ireland’s successful application for CERN membership. Collaborating with academics and political figures, Conor played a vital role in reigniting efforts for membership, emphasizing the future benefits for students and the broader physics community.

Currently pursuing a Master’s in Quantum Science and Technology at TCD, Conor continues to excel academically and serves as an IOP Campus Ambassador.

Message from IAPS President, Cyrus Walther

“We are immensely proud to award the AC5 Early Career Scientist Prize to Conor Ryan,” said IAPS President Cyrus Walther. “Conor’s dedication to academic excellence, leadership, and outreach embodies the spirit of this prize. This is the first year the award has been awarded in this way, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to IUPAP for their support. I also thank the juries for their diligent work in selecting such a deserving recipient. Together, we are paving the way for the next generation of leaders in physics.”

About the Award

The AC5 Early Career Scientist Prize is a milestone in Conor Ryan’s career, recognizing his exceptional contributions and inspiring continued pursuit of knowledge and engagement in physics.

This award is made possible thanks to the support and funding from IUPAP. We are also grateful to the dedicated juries for their diligent work in selecting such a deserving recipient. The jury members are:

  • Chair of the Jury: Prof. James Kneller, Assistant Professor, Physics & Applied Mathematics – Material and Condensed Matter, Northeastern University London.
  • Vice Chair of the Jury: Dr. Barbora Bruant Gulejova, Outreach/Lecturer, Particle Physics – Outreach, University of Bern.
  • Jury: Prof. Kosmas L. Tsakmakidis, Assistant Professor, Photonics – Metamaterials (Bioengineering), University of Athens.
  • Jury: Dr. Sofia Ferreira Teixeira, Postdoctoral Researcher, Nanodevices, CIC nanoGUNE.
  • Jury: Dr. Christian Wiebeler, Habilitation Candidate, Computational Biology, Universität Augsburg.
  • Jury: Dr. Andreas Tiffeau-Mayer, Lecturer, Computational Biology, University College London.

PRIDE Month: A Month-Long Celebration of Diversity

Dear Members,

I’m happy to announce the start of PRIDE Month, a month dedicated to celebrating diversity and inclusion and recognizing the fight against the discrimination of  LGBTQIA+ people. This month offers a unique opportunity for us to reflect on the values of acceptance and respect, which are fundamental not only to society at large but also to our scientific community.

The International Association of Physics Students stands strongly in support of diversity in all its forms. We believe that fostering an inclusive environment where every individual feels valued and respected is essential for the advancement of science in our community. Physics, as a discipline, thrives on collaboration and the necessity for the exchange of diverse perspectives. It is through the inclusion of a variety of voices and experiences that we can achieve greater innovation and progress.

In celebrating PRIDE Month, we also reaffirm our commitment to creating an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, feels empowered to pursue their passion for physics without fear of discrimination or prejudice. Let us use this month to strengthen our bonds as a community and to advocate for a future where equality and diversity are not just ideals, but realities.

On behalf of IAPS, I extend my wishes for a meaningful PRIDE Month. Let us celebrate the beauty of diversity and continue to build a community where every physicist can thrive.

With pride and solidarity,

Cyrus Walther,
President of the International Association of Physics Students


The United Nations Proclaims 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 

Today, the U.N. proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ). This year-long, worldwide initiative will celebrate the contributions of quantum science to technological progress over the past century, raise global awareness of its importance to sustainable development in the 21st century, and ensure that all nations have access to quantum education and opportunities.

“Through this proclamation, we will bring quantum STEM education and research to young people in Africa and developing countries around the world with the hope of inspiring the next generation of scientists, “ said Riche-Mike Wellington, Chief Programme Specialist at the Ghana Commission for UNESCO and the Ghanaian representative for IYQ.

IYQ coincides with the 100th anniversary of the birth of modern quantum mechanics — the theory that describes the behavior of matter and energy at atomic and subatomic scales and has made possible many of the world’s most important technologies. Over the past century, quantum theory has become foundational to physics, chemistry, engineering, and biology and has revolutionized modern electronics and global telecommunications. Inventions like the transistor, lasers, rare-earth magnets, and LEDs  — technologies that brought the internet, computers, solar cells, MRI, and global navigation into fruition — all exist because of quantum mechanics. 

Looking forward, advances in quantum applications could enable new computing and communication models with the potential to accelerate innovations in materials science, medicine, and cybersecurity, among other fields. In this way, quantum science and technology is poised to help address the world’s most pressing challenges — including the need to rapidly

develop renewable energy, improve human health, and create global solutions in support of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals.

“This second quantum revolution is leading to breakthroughs in using quantum effects like superposition and entanglement for new applications,” said John Doyle, Henry B. Silsbee Professor of Physics at Harvard University, co-director of the Harvard Quantum Initiative, and president-elect of the American Physical Society. “When these phenomena can be applied broadly to control and engineer matter at the level of single quanta, and even single atoms, they will spark transformations in a multitude of technologies.”

The U.N. proclamation is the culmination of a multiyear effort spearheaded by an international coalition of scientific organizations. After Mexico shepherded the coalition’s initial proposal through UNESCO’s 42nd General Conference in November 2023, Ghana formally submitted a draft resolution to the U.N. General Assembly in May 2024 that garnered co-sponsorship from more than 70 countries before its approval today. 

UNESCO will oversee the campaign as the U.N.’s lead agency, while the American Physical Society will administer the campaign through an international consortium and invite scientific societies, academic institutions, philanthropic organizations, and industry to contribute to the initiative. The consortium’s current founding partners include the American Physical Society; the German Physical Society (DPG); the Chinese Optical Society; SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics; and Optica (formerly OSA).

“The American Physical Society welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with scientific organizations from around the world to spread awareness about quantum science and technology,” said Jonathan Bagger, chief executive officer of the American Physical Society. “With worldwide events and programming, we hope to build a vibrant and inclusive global quantum science community.”

Broad, multinational support for IYQ signals the need to strengthen the education, research, and development capacities of governments — especially those of low- and middle-income countries — to advance quantum science and technologies for the benefit of humanity. The U.N. proclamation stands as an open invitation for anyone to learn more — especially those at universities, in K-12 classrooms, and other venues for science communication. Throughout 2025, the IYQ consortium will organize regional, national, and international outreach events, activities, and programming to celebrate and develop learning resources for quantum science, build scientific partnerships that will expand educational and research opportunities in developing countries, and inspire the next generation of diverse quantum pioneers. More information about these activities will be announced in the coming months.

Article of the Month jIAPS

June jIAPS Article of the Month: Flying at Mach 10 – Decoding the Physics behind Top Gun: Maverick

Author: Adeep Srinivasa, De Montfort University, Dubai

Movies really manage to get us at the edge of our seats, whether by physically exciting us with unexpected twists or turns or with heart-wrenching scenes that cause us to shed a tear or two. In the recent past, Top Gun: Maverick, a sequel to the critically acclaimed Top Gun, has really made audiences go crazy [1]. Top Gun has had such a significant impact on people’s lives that it has motivated batches of students to apply as a fighter pilot or to take up a career in aerospace engineering and astrophysics. In this article, let us dive into the physics behind Top Gun: Maverick, with special emphasis on the opening shot of Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell testing a Darkstar jet at Mach 10. Is it even humanly possible to do so, and if you and I were the pilots, would we survive the calamity?  

Let us start from the beginning. The opening scene shows us that Maverick is taking off the Darkstar airplane from the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in the Mojave Desert. Maverick is a test pilot and is given the task to fly the plane at Mach 10 [2]. A Mach number is a dimensionless quantity, which indicates the ratio of flow velocity after a certain limit of the sound’s speed [3]. The speed of sound is said to be 343 m/s and roughly translates to 761 miles per hour. As we are students of physics, it is convenient for us to use SI units and hence we shall look at this problem in m/s.

Fig 1: Picture of the Darkstar Jet used in Top Gun: Maverick

The Darkstar is a hypersonic jet as it flies above Mach 5. To comprehend the magnitude of this speed, the fastest manned aircraft ever flown was the North American X-15, flying at a whopping speed of Mach 6.7 which is 2298.1 m/s [4]. Launching this airplane was such a complex task that it had to be dropped from another aircraft because its tail fin prevented it from taking off at slow speeds. In the movie, Maverick’s Darkstar was able to take off from the runway and reach Mach 10 extremely quickly. 

We are shown that the plane does face issues in regards to its heat and fluid dynamics as it reaches Mach 10, indicating that reaching such speed is no easy feat, both experimentally as well as theoretically. The fastest unmanned plane was the NASA X-43 that reached an astonishing speed of Mach 9.68 [5]. That means the plane flew at 3320.24 m/s.

Let’s suppose that the Darkstar could practically fly at Mach 10 [6]. Flying at such a speed and altitude would have dire consequences on the human body. The aircraft would have to fly above 40,000 feet in order to achieve Mach 10 speed. A person ejected out of a flight traveling above Mach 10 would be killed instantly due to the relative weight and density of air at that level. The highest speed ejection ever recorded was at 1300 miles per hour, which is superseded by the Darkstar by a huge margin of 6700 miles per hour [7]. Hitting Mach 10 speeds at sea level will eventually smash the organs and skeleton of the pilot, turning the human body into a bag of soup [8]. 

These arguments do provide evidence that flying at Mach 10 is far from possible and that even a pilot as distinguished as Captain Mitchell would succumb to the laws of physics and nature. Yes, the real life Darkstar has a maximum speed of Mach 3.2, despite being able to blow at Mach 10, and yes, it is humanly impossible to use a fighter jet surpassing the Admiral’s approval. It is also far from impossible for any human being to survive a pilot ejection at that speed. Despite this very scene and many such scenes in the movie breaking numerous laws of physics, one thing it does not break is our captivity in the movie. The science behind these scenes is so exact and precise, that it draws us more into the story and has us vested into its characters. In the end, that’s what we aspire to do as scientists and physicists: to break boundaries and achieve the impossible. Top Gun is not only a love letter to aviation but it’s an invitation letter for students of science to dream big and try achieving the impossible. As a researcher, you should feel the need: the need for speed. 




3. NASA. Mach Number [Internet]. 2019. Available from:

4. Aadarsh. Top 12 Fastest Planes In The World | 2023 [Internet]. Engineerine. 2022 [cited 2023 Mar 13]. Available from:

5. Edwards R. “Angry, Mean, Insanely Fast”: Introducing the Darkstar Concept Jet from “Top Gun: Maverick” [Internet]. Man of Many. 2022. Available from:

6. Where was Top Gun: Maverick filmed? Guide to ALL the Filming Locations [Internet]. Atlas of Wonders. [cited 2023 Mar 13]. Available from:

7. LaRC BA : NASA – How Scramjets Work [Internet]. Available from:

8. The Healthy Journal – Gluten, Dairy, Sugar Free Recipes, Interviews and Health Articles [Internet]. [cited 2023 Mar 13]. Available from:

9. Fig 1:


Exciting News: IAPS Set to Host In-Person Annual General Meetings

We have some fantastic news to share with you all! After quite a long wait due to the challenges of the global pandemic, we are delighted to announce that the International Association of Physics Students is gearing up to hold its Annual General Meetings (AGM) once again, and this time, we’re going back to meeting in person!

This is a big deal for us and for the entire community. Our AGM is where we all come together to meet, exchange opinions, and make decision for the future. And we couldn’t be more excited to do it face-to-face this time.

So, mark your calendars! The AGM is scheduled for the 5th of August, 2024, and it will be happening alongside the International Conference of Physics Students in the beautiful city of Tbilisi, Georgia. It’s going to be an incredible opportunity to reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and, most importantly, dive deep into all things physics!

But wait, there’s more! Before the big AGM day, on the 4th of August, delegates from our member organizations will have a chance to take part in the Delegate Days. These are special sessions where we’ll discuss important topics, share information, and make sure everyone is up to speed before the AGM.

Ready to join us? Register now for the International Conference of Physics Students and secure your spot at this unforgettable event. Click here to register and be a part of the excitement!

So, get ready to pack your bags, brush up on your physics knowledge, and join us in Tbilisi for what promises to be an unforgettable experience. We can’t wait to see you there!


IAPS Charts a New Path at the Extraordinary General Meeting

The International Association of Physics Students recently held an Extraordinary General Meeting. Representatives from various countries gathered for the meeting, during which the association introduced important initiatives to enhance its influence, effectiveness, and structure.

One of the standout moments from the meeting was the exciting addition of TC Singapore, LC Jerusalem, and LC Zoul Mikael to the IAPS membership. This decision not only expands the association’s reach to different regions, but also introduces a wide range of viewpoints among its members.

Leadership transitions were also a significant area of attention, with elections conducted for the Members and Advocacy Manager roles. Irene Carrion Lopez, representing TC Spain, has been elected as the new Members and Advocacy Manager. With her expertise and vision, she will lead the association’s efforts in advocacy and membership engagement.

With a strategic vision for modernization and revitalization, IAPS has revealed a new brand identity, showcasing its dedication to adaptability and innovation in the dynamic field of physics.

However, what truly stood out at the meeting was the revolutionary decision to transition from National Committees to Territorial Committees. This significant change sets the stage for a membership structure that is more inclusive and accessible, removing the obstacles that used to impede student involvement in the association.

In addition, IAPS decided to apply for UN Consultancy Status, demonstrating the association’s dedication to worldwide involvement and advocacy for matters of scientific significance.

Lastly, as a testament to its commitment to preserving the environment, IAPS announced its plans to join the Earth Humanity Coalition, joining forces with esteemed organizations to work towards a more sustainable future. Ultimately, it aims to inspire and mobilize the global youth community to take action and drive positive change.

The outcomes of the Extraordinary General Meeting demonstrate IAPS’s commitment to promoting cooperation, creativity, and diversity within its community. Keep an eye out for more updates on these exciting developments as IAPS remains at the forefront of shaping the future of physics education and research.


Open Position: Members & Advocacy Manager

The International Association of Physics Students is on the lookout for a passionate and dedicated individual to step into this vital role! Are you ready to make a real impact and drive positive change within our community?

🌟 We need someone dynamic, enthusiastic, and committed to ensuring the smooth operation of our membership processes and advocating for the rights of physics students worldwide. As an IAPS member, you already embody the spirit of our organization, and now is your chance to take your involvement to the next level!

Important note: This is an elected position, you need to defend your candidacy during the EGM on April 28th.

🔍 Requirements:

  • IAPS Membership: Candidates must be current members of IAPS. Check here:
  • Application: Submit your CV and a motivational letter for the Membership and Advocacy Manager position via email (, which will be voted by our members during our Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on April 28th at 2PM UTC, via Zoom. Be prepared to defend your candidacy and share your vision for the role!
  • Please send us your candidacy by the 27th of April, so that we can have time to upload to our organisation’s Cloud, so that our members’ delegates have enough time to look through it.
  • Before applying please refer to the Legal Notice at the bottom of the page.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to shape the future of physics advocacy and community engagement with IAPS. Your energy and ideas can make a difference! Apply now and let’s work together to empower physics students worldwide.


📊 Maintain the IAPS Membership Database to ensure accurate and up-to-date records.

🗣️ Maintain fair communication with all IAPS members and Alumni, serving as the EC Representative to the Alumni Committee.

🔍 Manage advocacy issues, investigating topics of importance to members and advocating for students’ rights at local and international levels.

📚 Organize educational and informational events, prioritizing gender equality initiatives within the physics society.

Useful Skills:

👥 Delegate effectively and prioritize tasks to accomplish goals efficiently.

🤝 Reliability and strong communication skills are paramount in engaging with various stakeholders.

📅 Dedicate time in your daily routine for IAPS commitments, with flexibility to address tasks outside regular hours.

🎯 Set and manage priorities effectively, balancing smaller achievable goals with larger tasks.

🤔 Seek guidance from senior members when needed, leveraging their expertise and insights.

🌐 Stay informed about scientific community issues and public policy decisions impacting the physics community.


📊 Throughout the year, delegate tasks, maintain reliability, and prioritize effectively as outlined in the useful skills section.

🔄 Keep membership data updated regularly, actively engaging both current and potential new members.

💡 Encourage direct involvement of IAPS members, potentially forming subcommittees to aid in tasks.

Legal Notice

By submitting your application for the Membership and Advocacy Manager position with the International Association of Physics Students (IAPS), you hereby acknowledge and accept the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy.

As part of the application process, your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Motivational Letter will be uploaded to the IAPS Cloud. This is to facilitate transparency within our organization, allowing members to review candidates and make informed decisions during the selection process.

It is important to note that the information provided in your application will be accessible to IAPS members for the purpose of evaluating candidates for the position.

For further details regarding the handling of your personal information, please refer to the IAPS Privacy Policy available on our website.

By proceeding with your application, you confirm your understanding and acceptance of these terms.


Announcing the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

The International Association of Physics Students announces the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) scheduled for April 28th at 2:00 PM UTC. The meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom.

The EGM, a pivotal event in the IAPS calendar, serves as a platform for members to engage in crucial discussions and decision-making processes regarding the association’s direction and operations.

Final Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Tellers and Minute takers election
  3. Confirmation of membership
  4. AGM 2023 Meeting minutes
  5. Rebranding IAPS 
  6. Honorary Memberships
  7. Charter change
    • IAPS Rebranding
    • Territorial Committee
  8. Membership & Advocacy Manager election
  9. Presentation Alumni and Supporting Membership
  10. UN Application
  11. Earth Humanity Coalition 
  12. NC Costa Rica Proposal for AC5 Structure

All the related documentation is available for review on the IAPS Cloud. The NC Costa Rica proposal is under EC review and will be uploaded later this week. 

Zoom links and voting tokens will be distributed to representatives and entitled members before mid-April to facilitate participation in the meeting.

In a related announcement, the EC regretfully acknowledges the resignation of the current Membership and Advocacy Manager. Pursuant to section 11.5 of the IAPS Charter, the EC now calls for the election of the next Membership and Advocacy Manager. Interested members are encouraged to apply for the position within the next two weeks, as outlined in section 4.2.5 of the regulations. Candidates should submit a personal statement, highlighting relevant experiences and past involvement in associations, along with a CV to

The EGM underscores IAPS’s commitment to democratic principles and transparent governance.


Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

As we mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the International Association of Physics Students is proud to reflect on the advances we have made towards gender equality and empowerment within the scientific community. This day is not just a celebration but a call to action to break down the barriers that have held women and girls back in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

Our association, with over 90.000 members from across the globe, has always championed the cause of women in physics. Our initiatives aim to provide a supportive environment that encourages the participation of women in all aspects of physics, from academic research and teaching to industry and leadership roles. We believe that empowering women and girls in science is essential for achieving scientific excellence and addressing the complex challenges of our time.

In our continuous effort to support and promote gender equality in physics, IAPS has also established the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group, which focuses on Women in Physics, amongst other topics. This group advocates for women’s rights, provides resources and support for women physicists, and organizes initiatives that aim to reduce gender disparities in the field. We invite all members who are passionate about this cause to join the EDI Working Group and contribute to our efforts to make physics more inclusive and equitable.

Additionally, in a significant milestone for our organization and a testament to our commitment to promoting gender equality in physics, we are thrilled to announce that our Vice President, Niloofar Jokar, has been named an Associated Member of the Working Group 5: Women In Physics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).

Niloofar shared a statement that reflects the synergy between the missions of IUPAP and IAPS:

I am thrilled to become involved as an Associate Member of Working Group 5: Women In Physics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). This achievement signifies not only a personal milestone but most importantly reflects the shared commitment of IUPAP and the International Association of Physics Students (IAPS) to promoting inclusivity and equity within the scientific community.
Both organizations are dedicated advocates for diversity, recognizing the vital role women play in advancing the field of physics. Together, we are determined to break down barriers, advocate for gender equality, and empower the next generation of female physicists. Our collective mission emphasizes the importance of collaboration and solidarity in driving meaningful change.
My appointment to Working Group 5 is a tremendous honor and aligns perfectly with my passion for creating a more inclusive world of science. I am deeply committed to contributing to this mission and working alongside dedicated individuals who share our vision.
In this role, I look forward to bringing the perspectives and insights of the youth community in Physics, attained from my involvement in IAPS as the Vice-President to the discussion on gender equality in physics. My enthusiasm for promoting diversity and inclusivity in science is persistent, and I am excited to embark on this journey with IUPAP and IAPS.
Together, we can make a significant impact and pave the way for a more equitable and diverse scientific community.

As always emphasized by Michel Spiro, the President of IUPAP: “yes we can and yes we must!!”

Niloofar Jokar, IAPS Vice President & Events Manager

As we celebrate this day, let us all reaffirm our commitment to fostering an environment where every aspiring scientist can thrive, regardless of gender. Let’s work together to ensure that women and girls in science are recognized, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential.