External Relations News

IAPS-IAU Collaboration established!

We are excited to announce that IAPS has established a formal collaboration with the International Astronomical Union (IAU), in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) and the Division C on Education, Heritage, and Outreach!

Signed on May 4th, this MoU expresses the importance of cooperation on matters such as outreach, advocacy, diversity and science communication, in particular within the scope of the amazing work of the IAU on all these aspects.

We look forward to many practical ways to reflect this connection between the IAPS and the IAU communities, spread across the world.

Due to the date of signing and the astronomy theme, it is only logical to wish everybody (even with some delay): May the fourth be with you!

For more information, check the announcement on the IAU website:

Members News

Extraordinary General Meeting, March 2021 – Final call

The IAPS March 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting, hereby EGM, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on Sunday, March 27th 2021 starting at 12:30 UTC. We expect to hold the meeting using Zoom or a developing IAPS internal BigBlueButton plaftorm.

The National Committee representatives will have 7 votes, and the Local Committee representatives will have 2 votes. All of the individual members from one country have 1 vote between them. All member committees are to send details of their representatives with delegated voting rights, maximum of 2 delegates, to the Executive Committee prior to the meeting. Other topics may also be discussed during the meeting under the other topics point but these discussions cannot be used to make formal decisions, per articles 17.5 and 17.6 of the IAPS Charter.

Please find below the final EGM agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
2. Membership
  2.1 Voting Rights
  2.2 New Members
  2.3 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the December 20th 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting
4. Election of the new IAPS EC Events Manager for the remainder of the 2020/2021 term
5. Other points of interest

Members News

Extraordinary General Meeting, March 2021

The IAPS March 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting, hereby EGM, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on Sunday, March 27th 2021 starting at 12:30 UTC. We expect to hold the meeting using Zoom or a developing internal platform.

Please find below the draft EGM agenda, to which any IAPS member can propose changes, namely the addition of agenda items per the IAPS Charter point 17.4. The Executive Committee requests that these be sent until 23:59 UTC on February 25th, in order to give the EC time to determine how to include the points in the final agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
2. Membership
  2.1 Voting Rights
  2.2 New Members
  2.3 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the December 20th 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting
4. Election of the new IAPS EC Events Manager for the remainder of the 2020/2021 term
5. Other points of interest

IAPS 2022-2023

Extraordinary General Meeting, December 2020

IAPS December Extraordinary General Meeting, hereby EGM, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee on Sunday, December 20th 2020 starting at 01:00 PM UTC. We expect to hold the meeting using Jitsi or Zoom

The National Committee representatives will have 7 votes, and the Local Committee representatives will have 2 votes. All of the individual members from one country have 1 vote between them. All member committees are to send details of their representatives with delegated voting rights, maximum of 2 persons, to the Executive Committee prior to the meeting. Other topics may also be discussed during the meeting under the other topics point but these discussions cannot be used to make formal decisions.

Please find below the final EGM agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
2. Membership
  2.1 Voting Rights
  2.2 New Members
  2.3 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting
  3.1  Proposed resolution on voiding votes under point 21.5 of AGM 2020
  4.1 PLANCKS 2020 overview
  4.2 PLANCKS Rules Working Group Report
  4.3 Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the PLANCKS Rules
  4.4 Election of the host for PLANCKS 2022
  5.1 Report for current status of 2021 ICPS
6. EPS Young Minds Agreement
7. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
8. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
9. External Relations
  9.1 General updates on contacts with Physics-related unions, societies and organisations
  9.2 General updates on contacts with student organisations
  9.3 General updates on contacts with Physics-related journal publishers
  9.4 General updates on contacts with industry-related institutions and networks
  9.5 General updates on contact with IUPAP
  9.6 Discussion and vote on proposal of Memorandum of Understanding from the International Association of Volcanology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI)
  9.7 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to the African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications (ASP)
  9.8 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)
  9.9 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
  9.10 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to The Optical Society (OSA)  
10. Legal, administrative and financial aspects
  10.1 Contact with le Tribunal Judiciaire regarding Charter
  10.2 Change of bank
11. Engagement within IAPS
  11.1 Working Groups
  11.2 Thematic discussion groups
  11.3 Communication with members and affiliated students
12. First quarter Executive Committee work update and review13. Update on IAPS Auditors for 2020/2021 term
14. Other points of interest

IAPS 2022-2023

Annual General Meeting, 2020

IAPS Annual General Meeting, hereby AGM, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee on Saturday August the 22th 2020 at 01:00 PM UTC. We expect to hold the meeting using Jitsi, like it was done in this Spring’s Extraordinary General Meeting. Details will be fixed and sent along the final agenda later.

The National Committee representatives will have 7 votes, and the Local Committee representatives will have 2 votes. All of the individual members from one country have 1 vote between them. All member committees are to send details of their representatives with delegated voting rights, maximum of 2 persons, to the Executive Committee prior the meeting. Please also note it is your right as a member of IAPS to propose topics to be discussed in the meeting 4 weeks prior to the AGM. Other topics may also be discussed during the meeting under the other topics point but these discussions cannot be used to make formal decisions.

Please find below the provisional AGM agenda.

  1. Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
  2. Membership
    1. Voting Rights
    2. New Members
    3. Expulsions
    4. Quorum
  3. Approval of the minutes of the 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting
  4. Auditors reports and accounts of the 2018/2019 Executive Committee
  5. Election of Auditors
  6. Election of IAPS Alumni Representative
  7. Election of IAPS Archivist
  8. 2019/20 Executive Committee Report
  9. 2020/21 Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities
  10. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
  11. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
  12. IAPS Code of Conduct
  13. IAPS Privacy Policy Update
  14. IAPS Reimbursement Guide
  15. 2020/2021 budget
    1. Membership fees
    2. 2020/2021 budget
  16. 2020 IAPS School Day Topic
  17. iaps2CERN
    1. Report for 2020 iaps2CERN
    1. Status of 2020 PLANCKS
    2. Possible decisions regarding the holding of 2020 PLANCKS
    3. Election of the host for the 2022 PLANCKS
  19. ICPS
    1. Final Report for 2019 ICPS
    2. Report for current status of 2020 ICPS
    3. Possible decisions regarding the holding of 2020 ICPS
    4. Election of the host for the 2022 ICPS
  20. Election of Executive Committee members
  21. Other points of interest
    1. IUPAP relations
    2. Quarterly delegate day
IAPS 2022-2023

IAPS Extra-ordinary General Meeting, 29th of March, 2020

Members of IAPS,

The Executive Committee has called for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held on

29th of March at 3 PM (UTC+1). The meeting will be held remotely.
The agenda mainly circles around the selection of the IT Manager for the Executive Committee of IAPS for rest of the year as the previous one, Veli-Jussi, stepped down previously to give space to a new IT Manager with having little spare time anymore after securing his spot on a new research position. With regretting losing Veli-Jussi after 2½ years of excellent service, the EC congratulated him on his accomplishment. Besides selecting a new EC member this financial year’s budget is also to be discussed.
The Extraordinary General Meeting 2020 Spring agenda is as follows: 

  1. Election of Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
  2. Checking quorum
  3. General announcements
  4. IAPS 2019/2020 financial year budget discussion
  5. Selection of the new IAPS EC IT Manager
  6. Other points of interest

Members News

IAPS has new members

The 2019 IAPS Annual General Meeting (AGM), held on August 13th, approved 9 new member committees, with 4 National Committees (NCs) and 5 Local Committees (LCs):

NC Cuba – Sociedad Cubana de Jovenes Fisicos/Cuban Society for Young Physicists
NC Georgia – საქართველოს ფიზიკის სტუდენტთა ასოციაცია/Georgian Association of Physics Students (GAPS)
NC Morocco – Moroccan Association of Physics (MAP)
NC Poland – Polskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Fizyki/Polish Association of Physics Students (PSSF)

LC Jambi (Indonesia) – Ikatan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika/Physics Education Student Association (IMAPEFSI)
LC Kumasi (Ghana) – IAPS Kumasi
LC Noida (India) – Physics Society of Shiv Nadar University (PhySoc)
LC Quito (Ecuador) – OSA-USFQ Capítulo Estudiantil/OSA-USFQ Student Chapter
LC Saint Petersburg (Russia) – сообщество студентов-физиков Политехнического университета/Polytechnic Community of Physics Students (PCPS)

All of these new members were immediately approved as new members, with the exception of LC Quito, whose membership was approved conditional on the payment of the first membership fee occuring up to September 1st. As this condition has already been met, LC Quito is also officially a member of IAPS.

Welcome to all of our new members!

Events News

ICPS 2019 places still available

If you missed the 2 rounds of ICPS registrations, don’t worry! In the words of Futurama’s Professor Farnsworth, good news, everyone: there are still some spots available!

To register, just log in to the Member Network and sign up here. Check out the full program of the conference and all relevant details on the official website.

If you have any questions, just contact

Don’t miss this awesome gathering of Physics students from all corners of the Earth [Warning: this phrase does not constitute proof that the Earth if flat].

Events News

IAPS 2019 Annual General Meeting Final Agenda released

The final agenda of the 2019 Annual General Meeting has been released to members by the IAPS Executive Committee, as posted below.

2019 Annual General Meeting – Final Agenda
1. Election of the Chair, Secretary and Tellers
2. Membership
2.1. Voting Rights
2.2. New Members
2.3. Expulsions
2.4. Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
4. Auditors report and accounts of the 2017/2018 Executive Committee
5. Election of Auditors
6. Election of IAPS Alumni Representative
7. Election of IAPS Archivist
8. 2018/19 Executive Committee Report
9. 2019/20 Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities Document
10. Discussion and vote on the IAPS Strategic Plan
11. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
12. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
13. IAPS Code of Conduct
14. IAPS Privacy Policy Update
15. IAPS Reimbursement Guide
16. 2020 Budget
17. 2020 IAPS School Day Topic
18. iaps2CERN
18.1. Final Report for 2019 iaps2CERN
19.1. Final Report for 2019 PLANCKS
19.2. Progress Report for 2020 PLANCKS
19.3. Election of the host for the 2021 PLANCKS
20. ICPS
20.1. Final Report for 2018 ICPS
20.2. Progress Report for 2020 ICPS
20.3. Election of the host of the 2021 ICPS
21. Election of Executive Committee members
22. Other points of interest

To be held physically at the University of Cologne, in Cologne, Germany, during day 4 of ICPS, starting at 9:00 AM CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2) on August 13th, this meeting is open for online attendance, which IAPS members can request by sending an e-mail to

Once more, we remind everyone that, per IAPS Charter, National Committees (NCs) will have 7 votes, Local Committees (LCs) will have 2 votes and Individual Members from each country have, collectively, 1 vote.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact!

Events IAPS 2022-2023 News

IAPS 2019 Annual General Meeting provisional agenda released

The Executive Committee of IAPS has sent out to the provisional agenda of the this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to IAPS membership representatives.

2019 AGM Provisional Agenda
1. Election of the Chair, Secretary and Tellers
2. Membership
2.1. Voting Rights
2.2. New Members
2.3. Expulsions
2.4. Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
4. Approval of the minutes of the 2019 Extraordinary General Meeting
5. Auditors report and accounts of the previous Executive Committee
6. Election of Auditors
7. Election of IAPS Alumni Representative
8. Election of IAPS Archivist
9. 2018/19 Executive Committee Report
10. 2019/20 Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities Document
11. Discussion and vote on the IAPS Strategic Plan
12. Discussion and vote on the 2018/19 EC’s Alumni Committee Proposal
13. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
14. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
15. IAPS Code of Conduct
16. IAPS Privacy Policy Update
17. IAPS Reimbursement Guide
18. 2020 Provisional Budget
19. 2020 IAPS School Day Topic
20. iaps2CERN
20.1. Final Report for 2019 iaps2CERN
21.1. Final Report for 2019 PLANCKS
21.2. Progress Report for 2020 PLANCKS
21.3. Election of the host for the 2021 PLANCKS
22. ICPS
22.1. Final Report for 2019 ICPS
22.2. Progress Report for 2020 ICPS
22.3. Election of the host for the 2021 ICPS
23. Election of the Executive Committee members
24. Other points of interest

Starting at 9:00 AM CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2) on August 13th, the AGM will be held physically in Cologne, Germany during ICPS 2019, IAPS’s flagship event, organised by members of the junde Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (jDPG), the student wing of the German Physical Society, with a live feed for anyone who wishes to follow the meeting at a distance.

Per IAPS Charter terms, National Committees have 7 votes, Local Committees have 2 votes and Individual Members from each country have, collectively, 1 vote. We remind you that any member of IAPS with voting rights may propose additional points for the agenda.

If you wish to follow the meeting remotely, propose agenda items or have any questions, contact

IAPS’s major democratic process is just a month away!