
Running for the EC – Treasurer

As the date of the Annual General Meeting approaches, we continue with the calls for Executive Committee (EC) offices applications.

This time, we address the office of Treasurer, the main handler of the financial affairs of IAPS, which makes it a highly demanding role of great responsibility.

For the 2019/2020 term, the current EC is proposing the following set of responsibilities for the Treasurer:
a. Make the ledger for the respective financial year
b. Make the proposed budget for the next financial year
c. Write and send invoices to the members (annual membership fee)
d. Write and send invoices for different IAPS events (e.g. iaps2CERN participation fee)
e. Keep track of all the financial transactions (e.g. online bank account and paypal)
f. Procure and keep the bank statements for future reference (e.g. the ledger)
g. Arrange reimbursements
h. Manage IAPS grants
i. Take care of sponsorship and donor’s agreements
j. Maintain a fair communication with the Fundraising Manager
k. Maintain a fair communication with the European Physical Society (EPS) regarding IAPS finances

This proposal is very similar to the current assigned tasks, although the reference to coordinating with the Fundaraising Manager is added, as this non-EC office is also a new proposal by the current EC.

We remind you that this list of tasks might still be changed by decision of the AGM.

For more information, check out what to expect as an EC member, what to expect as Treasurer and how to run.


Running for the EC – President

As you may know, the 2019 Annual General Meeting has been called, having, among the agenda points, the EC members election. The EC member positions and job description, beyond what is already set by the IAPS Charter and Regulations, are proposed by the EC in office at the time of the election.

Let’s start with the main EC position: President! This is a position of tremendous responsibility, as it involves its specific functions, plus coordinating the EC.

For the 2019/2020 term, the current EC is proposing the following set of responsibilities for the President:
a. Chair EC meetings
b. Ensure that the association functions in a fair manner
c. Chair the Special Governance Council, as outlined in the IAPS Strategic Plan
d. Charter a move to become an Observer of IUPAP
e. Direct the work of the EC
f. External relations
g. Direct the preparations for General Meetings and the Delegate Day
h. Direct the preparations for the IAPS workshops
i. Manage and represent IAPS

Although some details might be changed at the AGM, due to potential proposals from the membership, most of these responsibilities are intrinsic to the office of President, according to the IAPS Charter and the IAPS Regulations.

If you want to run, send your CV and a motivation letter to! If you want some more detailed information, check out this and this.