
jIAPS Article Contest 2014 Closed

We would like to announce that the jIAPS article contest for 2014 is now closed and that a winner will be announced by the 10th July 2014. Good luck to all the competitors!


jIAPS Article Contest Deadline

Write a physics related article to be published in jIAPS, and be eligible to win the full registration fee for ICPS!

Go to for more information and submit your articles by the 30th June 2014 12:00 CEST.

Good luck!

IAPS 2022-2023

Lamelis – Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences

Advanced summer school for undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine and physics
14th–25th July 2014

The city of Szeged is proud to have been chosen as the site of one of the four pillars of a massive European laser project entitled ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure). Szeged will host ELI-ALPS (Atto-second Light Pulse Source), a facility dedicated to ultra-short laser pulses. Apart from breaking new ground in the study of very fast atomic and molecular processes, it is also expected to bring about improvements in medicine and life sciences. To discuss and disseminate the implications of these developments, we hereby invite you to the summer school entitled Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences 2014, taking place between 14 and 25 July, 2014.


IAPS 2022-2023

6th International Summer University on Renewable Energies

The 6th International Summer University on Renewable Energies is an interdisciplinary 2-week summer university, which encompasses areas such as photovoltaics, solar architecture, solar thermal and wind energy as well as economic and political aspects.

It will take place from August 24th to September 5th in Falera/Switzerland.

Please check for further information and registration.


jIAPS Article Contest 2014

IAPS would like to announce the jIAPS article contest in which you are invited to write an article to be published in jIAPS, and be eligible to win the full registration fee for ICPS!

The rules are simple! You are required to write an article in English, about 2-5 pages about a Physics related subject. The deadline for this competition is June 31, 2014 and the winner will be announced by July 10, 2014. More details area available at:

IAPS 2022-2023

ICPS Worldwide Grant – APPLY UNTIL MARCH 1st!

Are you a physics student under 26, living outside of Europe? Are you enthusiastic about physics and getting to know people with similar interests? Would you like to try yourself in a scientific conference, presenting a student lecture or a poster? Would you have a hard time covering the expenses of attending ICPS? We have some good news!

The ICPS Worldwide grant is a post-financed contribution that covers the registration fee and up to 80% of travel costs for the best two applicants. Please keep in mind that the deadline is 1st March, 2014! Check the exact requirements and more information at We look forward to receiving your applications!

IAPS 2022-2023

ICPS 2014 in Heidelberg

The International Conference of Physics Students (ICPS) 2014 will take place from 10th to 17th of August 2014 in Heidelberg, Germany. It is the main event of IAPS and is organised by physics students for physics students. It will bring together around 450 young researchers from all over the world and features invited lectures by top-class scientists, presentations and posters by students as well as exciting workshops, lab tours and a physics show at Heidelberg University. A one-day trip to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is included in the program and the participants will be able to visit many exciting experiments. Additional excursions to research facilities and world leading companies as Mercedes, Bosch or TRUMPF will give an insight into some of Germany’s state of the art research. As guest speakers we can already present Metin Tolan (Shaken, not stirred! James Bond in the Focus of Physics), Karlheinz Meier (From Ions to Electrons – Physical Models of Brain Circuits) and John Dudley, president of the European Physical Society (Surviving in Science: What they don’t tell you about careers in research!). More guest lectures will be announced soon!

You can now register for the International Conference of Physics Students 2014 in Heidelberg:

IAPS 2022-2023

Sarajevo School of High Energy and Medical Physics 2014

Sarajevo School of High Energy and Medical Physics 2014” (SSHEMP 2014) will be held at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo from May 19 to May 24, 2014. The School aims at the graduate students who are interested in topics pertaining to High Energy Physics (HEP) and Medical Physics. SSHEMP 2014 will feature parallel sessions for lectures in High Energy Physics and Medical Physics to address relevant topics in the most pedagogical way possible.The application process for the SSHEMP 2014 participation lasts from December 1st, 2013, through March 28th, 2014. Applicants should send a letter of motivation and an up-to-date curriculum vitae directly to one of the organizers using appropriate e-mail address listed at the web site of SSHEMP 2014 at
Registered participants will be notified about the level of support by the organizers.
IAPS 2022-2023

iaps2cern 2014 application has been extended!

Dear friends,
We apologize for the silence during a while, but here are some news!

Good News #1: this year, we are going to stay at the very heart of the CERN! We are glad to announce that IAPS has been allowed to stay in the CERN hostel on the site. (As you might now, before we usually had to accommodate our group in a Youth Hostel in Geneva).

Good News #2: the number of places has been increased from 28 to 46!
Thus we still welcome your applications as the deadline has been extended.

The dates remain official: from Tuesday 22 April 2014 to Friday 25 April 2014.

At the same time, we had to try hard to fit this into the project’s budget. In order to keep the trip participation cost on the same level (€ 90 for IAPS members and € 100 for non IAPS members) and to keep it affordable for undergraduates, we had to give up a few perks. Now, the participation fee includes:

  • NO meals (even breakfast)
  • NO Geneva transportation card

Still, many solutions are possible on the spot and this will not be a problem but we want to make you aware of this and that you will have a few more expenses during the trip.

The full information can be found here.

If you have already submitted your application, your application is still recorded and we will contact you directly to ask you to confirm. Please pay attention to these changes in the conditions and personally decide if this is OK for you.

An we’re very excited to do this trip together in April!

Go to CERN with IAPS! We’re waiting for your applications.

In case of any questions, please contact Anton Dudko.

IAPS 2022-2023

Open Readings Conference 2014 in Lithuania

We are very pleased to announce the 57th International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences in Vilnius, Lithuania on 19-21 March, 2014. It will focus on biophysics, medicine, environmental science, chemistry, laser physics, condensed matter physics, theoretical physics and much more.  For further information, please have a look at the poster below or on

Open Readings 2014 – Poster Invitation

The registration deadline for the conference is 15 February, 2014.