
It’s here! jIAPS 2022

In the company of the reports from your favorite past, present and future events (to the Philippines, ICPS 2023!), you’ll also read some unusual and unique articles. Among them, an enticing interview with a new member of IAPS, a call for action to resolve long-standing problems in academia, and a detailed review of an extraordinary general meeting. It probably doesn’t get more interesting than a comic strip involving physics students, can you find it?

Grab your copy here!


IAPS Annual General Meeting 2022, 6th & 7th of August 2022

The IAPS Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022, will be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on the 6th & 7th of August 2022 starting at 12:00 UTC on both days. All updated information about this meeting can be found here.

Here is the provisional AGM 2022 agenda, to be split across the 2 days:

1 – Welcome
2 – Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
3 – Membership
   3.1 – Voting Rights
   3.2 – New Members
   3.3 – Expulsions
   3.4 – Quorum
4 – Approval of the April 2022 EGM Minutes
5 – Discussion on 2022/23 EC Report
6 – Finances
   6.1 – Discussion on Auditors Report and Accounts of the 2020/2021 EC
   6.2 – Discussion and approval of the 2022/2023 Budget
7 – Advocacy, Diversity and Inclusion in IAPS

8 – Selection of the 2023 IAPS School Day Topic
9 – iaps2CERN
   10.1 – Presentation of Final Report on PLANCKS 2021
   10.2 – Presentation of Preliminary Report on PLANCKS 2022
   10.3 – Presentation of Progress Report on PLANCKS 2023
   10.4 – Election of the host of the PLANCKS 2024
11 – ICPS
   11.1 – Presentation of Final Report on ICPS 2021
   11.2 – Presentation of Preliminary Report on ICPS 2022
   11.3 – Presentation of Progress Report on ICPS 2023
   11.4 – Election of the host of the ICPS 2024
12 – IPT

   12.1 – Approval of the IPT Rules and Regulations Documents
13 – Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
14 – Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
15 – Discussion on and approval of the 2023/24 EC Roles and Responsibilities
16 – External Relations
   16.1 – Approval of Modifications to the AC5 Structure
   16.2 – Ratification of Memoranda of Understanding
   16.3 – IAPS participation in the Global Student Government
   16.4 – Discussion on application for IAPS to become an Affiliated Member of the International Science Council

17 – Elections
   17.1 – Election of the 2022/23 EC members
   17.2 – Election of the  jIAPS Editor-in-Chief
   17.3 – Election of the IAPS Archivist
   17.4 – Election of the IAPS Alumni Representatives
   17.5 – Election of the Auditors

   17.6 – Election of the AC5 Council members
18 – Other points of interest


Feeling creative? jIAPS Article Contest and Creative Contest are open!

As the ICPS 2022 comes closer, so does the jIAPS 2022 edition. As it is already traditional, there will be jIAPS contests open for student submissions. Besides having their submissions published in jIAPS, the winners will also receive IAPS merch as a special prize!

We have two contests this year, about which you can read more on their respective pages:

Both contests are open for submissions until July 1, 2022.

Happy writing, drawing and expressing yourself!


“Lumière Photo Contest” is open!

International Day of Light 2022

In celebration of the International Day of Light on May 16, IAPS announces the “Lumière Photo Contest”. It aims to raise awareness on the role light and light-based technologies play in the social, cultural, economic and scientific spheres. Amateurs, hobbyists or professionals – everyone is encouraged to participate.

The theme of the contest is “Light in science and everyday life”, and we are open to, but not limited to, images that depict things like

  • The role of light and light based technologies in society
  • Interaction of light with environment, nature and materials
  • Light and science – images taken using telescopes, microscopes
  • Light painting or astrophotography

Contest rules:

  • Images must be 300 dpi or more and at least 3000 pixels on the longer side
  • File size should be no less than 3 MB and no greater than 20 MB in the .jpg format
  • Each participant can send up to two entries
  • Only minor enhancements of the original photograph are permitted (such as brightness, contrast, basic post-processing)
  • Black and white images are also allowed
  • All participants need to adhere to the IAPS Code of Conduct
  • The photographs should not contain inappropriate content and should respect the privacy of the subject with prior consent

To participate, send your entries digitally with your name, image title, location, caption, and a description of how the image relates to the theme to with the subject “Lumière Photo Contest”. We also invite you to post your images on instagram with our hashtag #lumiereiaps.

The contest opens today, May 16 and runs until May 31. The winners will be announced a week after the competition closes. The top 3 winners of the contest get their images published in jIAPS, our annual journal, and win IAPS merchandise.

Have fun photographing! 📷


IAPS opens a new merch store

With brand new items and more to come, show you are a proud IAPS member.

Check the store:


Represent IAPS at the International Physicists’ Tournament 2022!

The International Physicists’ Tournament (IPT) 2022 will take place 9th to 14th of May in Bucaramanga, Colombia. We are looking for an official IAPS delegate to represent us at this event. IAPS would cover the 120€ participation fee and up to 100€ of transport costs.

In order to be selected as a delegate, it is crucial that you have significant experience in IAPS, including its Regulations and Charter, and that you are familiar with IAPS’ long term goals.

If you are selected, you would also be expected to play an active role in the IPT Working Group and write a jIAPS article about your experience.

Please fill this form by 11am UTC on Sunday the 24th:


jIAPS – the journal for physics students

Today we are proud to revive the great tradition of jIAPS, the journal of IAPS! For the past few years, jIAPS has been published only once per year. Now, jIAPS is coming back as an online journal, with articles published regularly for your reading pleasure.

See this? That’s jIAPS

What’s new this time?

The journal is going to be on the front page of the IAPS website!

But brand new jIAPS is not just a journal anymore. We officially got the job of the news reporter at IAPS. jIAPS will now publish news on upcoming events, experiences from past events, casual conversations about the lives of physics students, interviews with researchers from around the world, along with the scientific and non-scientific articles that our lovely authors send us… phew, the list never ends.

The best articles published online will also be published in the printed edition for this year. Stay tuned!

How can you get involved?

jIAPS is open to submissions from physics students around the world. We are always open for business, so we’ll be accepting articles throughout the year.

Has your NC or LC organized a great event recently? Have you just remembered the fun you had at ICPS or PLANCKS three years ago? Have you wanted to share your ideas, scientific findings, or just something that genuinely amazes you? This is your chance to present it to an international audience.

Not sure how to get started? We’ve made a document just for that: jIAPS Submission Guidelines. You can also look at articles from past editions of jIAPS for inspiration. Just take a deep breath… and start writing now! Once your article is done, send it to our email, If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email or at the #jiaps channel on IAPS Discord.

Until the next article…

On behalf of jIAPS Staff,
Zlatan Vasović, Editor-in-Chief

IAPS 2022-2023

IAPS Statement on the Current Conflict in Ukraine

The International Association of Physics Students represents over 70,000 students around the world. One of IAPS’ commitments is to promote peaceful international collaboration, which is why it is crucial that IAPS addresses matters concerning the security, safety and wellbeing of its members.

IAPS is deeply concerned about the military conflict and Russian invasion that is currently happening in Ukraine. It is in the interest of all IAPS members that the situation can be quickly resolved with a minimal loss of life. IAPS encourages the international community to reach a peaceful and diplomatic solution, and strongly supports our members’ wishes to continue to be able to live in a peaceful country. 

IAPS strongly expresses its solidarity with all members affected by this conflict. It is IAPS’ sincere hope that this conflict will not affect access to education in Ukraine. Education is a human right and should never be part of the collateral damage of international conflict.

IAPS calls out to our members to form a bond of strong community in these difficult and frightening times, and to show solidarity and support to our friends and peers affected by this conflict. It is with this statement that IAPS is launching the #physics4peace campaign. Stand with us for peace. 

IAPS 2022-2023


The program is now accepting applications until 11:59pm PDT on March 24, 2022.

Who can participate? Students who meet all the following criteria:
• Students who are interested in applying for graduate programs in Physics, Astronomy, Medical Physics or Engineering Physics in 2022 or 2023 (entry 2023 and 2024).
• Students who are women or non-binary, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), 2SLGBTQ+, living with disabilities, and/or are in the first generation in their family to attend university.
• The in person-participation is restricted to students from Canada, the US and Mexico. The online participation is open to students from anywhere.

Why join the program?
• A three-day workshop held at UBC campus (in-person and remote) from June 15 to June 18, 2022  to learn about physics research programs and graduate student life at UBC, engage in conversations with faculty members, research scientists and graduate students, experience an afternoon in a laboratory, visit laboratories, participate in workshops on preparing, improve their graduate program application and secure a paid research experience. 
• Participants will also be paired up with UBC Physics & Astronomy mentors (graduate students and post-docs) who will continue to be in touch to provide support and guidance in participants’ journey to join graduate school in the future.
• All cost, including travel, will be paid by the program. 

To apply visit here

Events Opportunities

Latest Opportunities

Here is a summary of our upcoming events:

  • Registration for ScienCon, held in-person in Poland between March 31st – April 3rd, with close on February 20th. ScienCon is a unique 4-day event where physics students from all over the world are given the time, space and support to plan their future scientific career! There will also be cultural trips, guest lectures and much more.
  • The International Day of Light (IDL, May 16th) celebrates light and the role it plays in science, culture and art, education, and sustainable development. IAPS is a high-level Endorsing Partner on the IDL Steering Team and will support IDL events from our NCs and LCs during the month of May with the Light Grant of up to 300€.
  • The International Physicists’ Tournament will take place between the 9th-14th May in Colombia. The IAPS EC and IPT ExeCom are closely working together to formally make the IPT an IAPS Major Event.
  • IAPS has been allocated 25 spots with funded accommodation at the EPS Forum, held in-person in Paris between the 2nd and 4th of June 2022! This is a very exciting event with multiple Nobel laureates, cutting-edge physics and a focus on supporting students and recent graduates. Apply here by 23:59 UTC, February 19th.
  • We also have recurring events such as online socials and the monthly mental health check-in, held on our Discord server at 2pm UTC on the first Sunday of each month.
  • Many more events are being planned, including IAPS4, IAPS2CERN and some advocacy events. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with our latest opportunities.

Other ways to get involved:

  • Apply to become the new IT Manager in the IAPS Executive Committee for the remainder of the 2021-2022 EC Term. The election will be held online on April 10th.
  • Become a Meeting Official (Chair, Minute Taker or Teller) during our upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting held at 1pm UTC on Sunday the 10th of April. Email if you would like to volunteer or if you have questions.  
  • If you have graduated from a degree in physics or a related subject and are interested in mentoring an IAPS student, sign up here. This is an easy and non time-consuming way to really help and connect with someone.
  • Join a Working Group. IAPS Working Groups currently have record levels of engagement! Working groups can be joined throughout the year and are the perfect low-commitment way to try out IAPS leadership.