In celebration of the International Day of Light on May 16, IAPS announces the “Lumière Photo Contest”. It aims to raise awareness on the role light and light-based technologies play in the social, cultural, economic and scientific spheres. Amateurs, hobbyists or professionals – everyone is encouraged to participate.
The theme of the contest is “Light in science and everyday life”, and we are open to, but not limited to, images that depict things like
- The role of light and light based technologies in society
- Interaction of light with environment, nature and materials
- Light and science – images taken using telescopes, microscopes
- Light painting or astrophotography
Contest rules:
- Images must be 300 dpi or more and at least 3000 pixels on the longer side
- File size should be no less than 3 MB and no greater than 20 MB in the .jpg format
- Each participant can send up to two entries
- Only minor enhancements of the original photograph are permitted (such as brightness, contrast, basic post-processing)
- Black and white images are also allowed
- All participants need to adhere to the IAPS Code of Conduct
- The photographs should not contain inappropriate content and should respect the privacy of the subject with prior consent
To participate, send your entries digitally with your name, image title, location, caption, and a description of how the image relates to the theme to outreach@iaps.info with the subject “Lumière Photo Contest”. We also invite you to post your images on instagram with our hashtag #lumiereiaps.
The contest opens today, May 16 and runs until May 31. The winners will be announced a week after the competition closes. The top 3 winners of the contest get their images published in jIAPS, our annual journal, and win IAPS merchandise.
Have fun photographing! 📷