The IAPS trip to ESTEC was based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The main attraction of this trip was a tour of ESTEC, the European Space Research and Technology Centre , located in Noordwijk. Participants saw a range of facilities and viewed the Herschel and GOCE spacecraft, both due to launch later in 2008. The event also included a visit to the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) in Delft, the Windmill Museum and Planetarium.
Members can download a TNO general introduction, careers presentation, optics lecture and space science lecture (focusing on dust storms on Mars), a copy of the report for EPS, who sponsored the trip, and the IAPS presentation given by Agnieszka Leyko in either odp or ppt format.
Pictures from the whole trip, and a few from the following Queen’s Day celebrations, can be seen here. In addition, pictures taken by TNO staff are here. Trip particpants can view and contribute to the gallery on Li’s website.