IAPS 2022-2023

Balkan Summer School 2011

The BS2011 School – Cosmology and Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Models

The goal of this School is to improve the students’ and young researchers’ knowledge in the scientific fields of the event.

Lecturers will give 3-4 lectures, 90 minutes each, starting from an introductory level and then gradually approaching an advanced research level.These lectures will be followed by tutorials/exercises and/or discussions. Expected number of School participants is about 50.

The deadline for the application for the financial support is extended till May
31st 2011.

All applicants will be informed about their level of support by June 15th 2011.

The registration form for BS2011 is available here.

IAPS 2022-2023

Physics in Ljubljana

July 17-24 2011
Ljubljana, Slovenia

The aim of the Summer School is to review the highlights of the physics research based in Ljubljana and to introduce the Master and PhD programs in physical sciences at the University of Ljubljana.

The summer school will take place at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The program will cover a range of experimental and theoretical topics in astrophysics, atomic physics, biophysics, computational physics, geophysics, mathematical physics, medical physics, meteorology, nuclear physics, nuclear engineering, photonics, physics education, physics of elementary particles, soft condensed matter physics, and solid state physics. Lectures will be complemented by tours of the experimental laboratories and other research facilities. Speakers will include professors and researchers from the University of Ljubljana and the Jozef Stefan Institute.

The summer school is best suited for students who have completed a Bachelor, first-cycle program in physics and are interested in pursuing an advanced degree in physics. Courses will begin Monday July 18 and end Friday July 22, and they will include an overview of advanced study programs in physical sciences at the University of Ljubljana. Courses will be held in English.

IAPS 2022-2023

Annual Conference of Physics Students in Germany

The junge Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (the National Committee of IAPS in Germany) is holding its annual conference in Wolfsburg from 1st to 3rd of July 2011.
The topic of the meeting is Mobility and it will be held in German. More information can be found on
Students from outside Germany are cordially invited.

IAPS 2022-2023

iaps2energies 2011

If you haven’t made plans for the beginning of the summer yet we invite you to participate between 2nd and 7th of July 2011 at an event you will definitively enjoy.

You will have the chance to visit an amazing country, Portugal, and find out a lot of things about Renewable Energies by actually visiting Solar and Wind Plants and also Dams.

The participation fee is 143 euro and covers accommodation, meals and transport to all facilities.

More information here.

Registration for the trip can be made at this link.


IAPS 2022-2023

Bids for ICPS 2013

Dear members of IAPS,
We are waiting for your bids to host the 28th International Conference of Physics Students (ICPS 2013).
Please send your application to the EC e-mail address [escapeemail email=””].
All bids should take into account the charter (article 19) and regulations (article 9) of IAPS.
See also here.

ICPS 2012



iaps2cern trip




Contact info


Executive Committee:
[escapeemail email=””]

[escapeemail email=””]

Contact for new members:
[escapeemail email=””]

Follow us on twitter.




Conference of Astronomy and Physics Students in Edinburgh

CAPS is the new conference for UK & Ireland students of physics, astronomy and related subjects, to gather, meet, discuss and share. It will be held at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland from Friday 17 to Sunday 19 June 2011.

It gives students the opportunity to present a short lecture about their project work or area of interest, includes a guest lecture by Prof. Miles Padgett, head of the optics group at the University of Glasgow and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a student debate on a current hot topic and social events in the evenings.

Representatives from student societies are particularly encouraged to attend, as this is an excellent opportunity to meet other society representatives, forge links, exchange experiences and get new ideas for your society. The conference incorporates the annual Student Society Awards for student societies in the areas of physics and astronomy within the UK and Ireland. Selected societies will give short presentations on Saturday in a bid to win one of the awards presented later that evening.

Find out more at

Students from outside the British Isles are very welcome to join.


jIAPS Issue 1 2011 is online

The first issue of jIAPS in 2011 is online, and can be downloaded on this website (high quality, 25 MB, low quality, 3 MB) or read here. We welcome four new editors to the jIAPS team this year, and you can find out about them, as well as the IAPS EC, in this issue. We also announce the winner of the jIAPS writing contest, Stephanie Walton, for her article “The Physical State”, on the idea of a stereotypical physicist. You can also read about the uses of Youtube, the Golden Ratio, quantum computing, a climate summer school at the University of Malta, and read a poem about holographic microscopy.

If you would like to write for jIAPS, contact the editors at, as we are always looking for contributions.

The jIAPS editors