IAPS 2022-2023

Fund your participation at the ICPS 2016

Participating in the ICPS now has even less barriers – introducing the ICPS Worldwide Grant!

The grant is given to help academically gifted, but financially challanged, students to participate in the International Conference of Physics Students. The grant is large enough to cover the participation fee and up to 80 % of the travel expenses for a total of a maximum 1000 €.

Deadline for receiving applications is 20 March. Details are available here.

Also don’t forget to check the jIAPS Article Contest where you can win your participation fee.

Note that, after Monday 29 February (CET), the participation fee is 40 € more expensive. Registration continues until all places are taken. Read more on the ICPS here.

Events News Opportunities

Register for The International Conference of Physics Students

It is now possible to register for The International Conference of Physics Students which is the main event of IAPS. This year, it will take place 11-17 August in Malta and will offer a wide variety of  lectures, excursions, and social activities with fellow physics students from all across the world.

So far 140 have already registered and acceptances and rejections are expected to be send already on Monday 8 February so be sure to sign up during this week.

Register here.

Note that you can get you registration fee of 190 € plus an excursion refunded by participating in the jIAPS Article Contest until 31 March.

News Opportunities

Extended deadline for IAPS subbie volunteering


If you didn’t apply to volunteer in one of our subcommittees (subbies), you still have the chance as the deadline has been extended by a whole week and now ends on 17 January at 13:00 CET. If you are interested, just send an e-mail to the subbie of your interest and tell us what you want to do

Check the specifics of each committee here:

Specific calls for subbies 2015/2016

At the end of the year, all hardworking participants will receive a certificate for their work which you can attach to your CV.

In case you have additional questions, send them to ec (at), we will try to respond as quickly as we can.


IAPS subbies – why should you join one?

Volunteering and gathering experience in student associations is getting increasingly popular and useful to have on your CV whilst looking for your first job. You can be an enthusiastic beginner, a self-made pro looking to share knowledge or something in between. What is important: to have an open mind, good work ethics, the will to help and learning by doing.

Your Executive Committee wants to implement a lot of fun & useful new things in out network and needs your help. In accordance with the regulations (5.1.3), the EC decided form subcommittees on IT, PR, Member issues, Education & Outreach, Finances, External relations and their members will not have a vote in the EC.

If you are interested in working in these fields for IAPS, send in an email with your CV and motivational letter to appropriate address. List of emails and specific skills we are looking for can be found here:

Specific calls for subbies 2015/2016

The application process starts 23/12/2015 13:00 CET and ends 10/1/2016 13:00 CET, when EC will evaluate the applications. The procedure can be found here:

General information – procedure specifications.

At the end of the year, all hardworking participants will receive a certificate for their work which you can attach to your CV.


In case you have additional questions, send them to ec (at), we will try to respond as quickly as we can.


Events News

Lights of Tuscany

A group of motivated physics students joined together just before Christmas in order to spend some days in the beautiful area of Tuscany, Italy and learn more about light-related research and technologies.

The organisers from AISF did an amazing job in the creation of this new event! At the opening ceremony, a set of LIGHTalks gave an introduction into medical applications, quantum sensors, the research done at the University of Pisa and much more. We later visited the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS) near Florence, where researchers described to us their work on photonics, atomic and biophysics. On Saturday afternoon, we spent some hours at the University of Pisa Physics Department and then at The European Gravitational Observatory EGO-VIRGO. This enormous facility, with arms of a Michelson interferometer extending for several kilometers, aims at proving the existence of gravitational waves through the use of advanced laser technology. On Sunday, we spent a fantastic day in Florence, which is undoubtedly a unique and wonderful city!

We concluded the event with visits of the NEST and TeCIP institutes of the Scuola Normale and Scuola Sant’Anna of Pisa, where we were inspired by great work on nanotechnology and integrated photonics.

The event offered many possibilities to get in contact with researchers at the individual institutes as well as with students from around the world. With participants coming from 14 countries, the event was a true international one.

Many thanks to the organisers!


iaps2CERN registration

Join iaps in its yearly trip to CERN. Check out the webpage for the registration form.

We are looking forward to meeting you there.


Registration has closed.

Past Events

Yearly meeting in Mulhouse

The Executive Committee of IAPS has finished their yearly strategy meeting in Mulhouse, France. Two days were packed with sessions, talks or discussions about IAPS related topics. As such the basis of an alumni network, upcoming events and the promotion of IAPS were discussed, to name some examples.

Feel free to contact the EC under ec (at) iaps dot info to get more information.


iaps2CERN 2016

Take a look at our activities page! You can find information on the yearly iaps2CERN trip here.

It will take place from April 25th to 28th 2016 and the registration will start on December 8th.

Feel free to contact if you have questions regarding the program.

IAPS 2022-2023

Submit Your Opinion

What should the Executive Committee of IAPS be aware of? What should it discuss? Have you something on your mind? Then tell us!

The IAPS Executive Committee is having its yearly meeting in Mulhouse, France at the headquarters of the European Physical Society in order to discuss IAPS in the coming year and in general. The meeting is the most important within IAPS after the general assembly which is why it is especially important that IAPS receives your input.

So what should the EC discuss? Write your suggestion to:

The meeting takes place 29 November – 1 December 2015.



IYL School Day update

You can now find a guideline for the IYL School Day (  In this document  possible experiments are listed that can be easily be realized in a school class. The file is created with the help of IAPS members and their ideas. An example schedule for a school class of 90min is given as well.

Take a look and feel inspired!