IAPS 2022-2023

iaps@LNGS – full programme now published

The full programme for our new Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme can now be downloaded at the following link:

iaps@LNGS – Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme

Abstracts guidelines can be found here: IAPS_Abstract_Template. An updated event description can also be found on the event’s webpage.

IAPS 2022-2023

iaps@LNGS – Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme

We are proud to announce the first edition of the iaps@LNGS – Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme!

This will be held in central Italy in May 2015 at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), the largest astroparticle physics underground laboratory in the world. The event will also comprise a visit of Rome and some of its best research facilities focusing on nuclear fusion.

Students will be invited to present talks and posters during the time at the LNGS. Scholarships and prizes will be awarded for the best abstracts and presentations.

Registration opening: February 7th, 13:00 (CET zone). Registration closing: February 28th, 13:00 (CET).

More details are now available on the event page. Further information will soon be available on this website and on the IAPS Facebook group.

IAPS 2022-2023

A few changes for iaps2CERN 2015

Please notice that dates for the iaps2CERN 2015 trip have slightly changed: the tour will take place from the 20th to the 23rd of April 2015. We will be staying at the Geneva Youth Hostel, which we visited in previous editions, and will then be able to enjoy a much greater set of activities for the same price. These changes will allow us to have visits of the Geneva city center, transport cards for the whole city (including boat transport!), shorter distance from the lake, the UN Office, museums, closer shops and more!

Registration will open on December 1st, at 13:00 (CET). At that time, a registration form will appear on the iaps2CERN 2015 page. The number of places is limited (45), so make sure you secure a place as soon as possible!

During the same days that we will be at CERN, researchers will be starting to use the LHC again, after its long upgrade. This produced some little issues related to visitors, but… we never gave up and we are now glad to be offering you the iaps2CERN 2015 we more enthusiasm than ever!

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Geneva,

iaps2CERN 2015 Organising Committee

IAPS 2022-2023

Open Readings Conference 2015 in Lithuania

We are happy to announce that the 58th International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 24-27 March, 2015. It will focus on biophysics, medicine, environmental science, chemistry, laser physics, condensed matter physics, theoretical physics and much more.  For further information, please have a look at the poster or go on webpage


iaps2CERN 2015 is approaching!

Our annual trip to CERN is coming close and we have now released information about this year’s plans!

Registrations open on December 1st and we will assign places on a first-come-first-served basis, trying to support applicants from less-represented regions of the world. More information can be found at this page, where the registration form will be published on December 1st.

Spread the voice around your departments, between your friends & colleagues! We look forward to welcoming you to Geneva!

iaps2CERN 2015 Organising Committee


jIAPS Article Contest 2014 Winner

We would like to congratulate Anna Fava for winning the jIAPS article contest 2014 with her article – “The quest for a unified theory: why quantum gravity still proves to be elusive to modern day physicists”


jIAPS Article Contest 2014 Closed

We would like to announce that the jIAPS article contest for 2014 is now closed and that a winner will be announced by the 10th July 2014. Good luck to all the competitors!


jIAPS Article Contest Deadline

Write a physics related article to be published in jIAPS, and be eligible to win the full registration fee for ICPS!

Go to for more information and submit your articles by the 30th June 2014 12:00 CEST.

Good luck!

IAPS 2022-2023

Lamelis – Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences

Advanced summer school for undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine and physics
14th–25th July 2014

The city of Szeged is proud to have been chosen as the site of one of the four pillars of a massive European laser project entitled ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure). Szeged will host ELI-ALPS (Atto-second Light Pulse Source), a facility dedicated to ultra-short laser pulses. Apart from breaking new ground in the study of very fast atomic and molecular processes, it is also expected to bring about improvements in medicine and life sciences. To discuss and disseminate the implications of these developments, we hereby invite you to the summer school entitled Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences 2014, taking place between 14 and 25 July, 2014.


IAPS 2022-2023

6th International Summer University on Renewable Energies

The 6th International Summer University on Renewable Energies is an interdisciplinary 2-week summer university, which encompasses areas such as photovoltaics, solar architecture, solar thermal and wind energy as well as economic and political aspects.

It will take place from August 24th to September 5th in Falera/Switzerland.

Please check for further information and registration.