IAPS 2022-2023

The Great IAPS Design Competition

Watch out your next chance to get involved in IAPS as well as vent your creativity!

Today we announce the start of The Great IAPS Design Competition. You can find all information in the official call:

Deadline will be on 18th January 2017.

More to come 🙂

IAPS 2022-2023

EGM 2016

You are all invited to the Extraordinary General Meeting as called upon by the IAPS Executive Committee. The meeting will start at:

4 pm (CET), 11 December 2016

It will be hosted by:

NC Croatia at The University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

For staying overnight, it will be possible to book a room at a hostel.

If you would like to attend remotely via online stream and vote electronically, please let us know as soon as possible by replying to this email.

Preliminary agenda:

  1. Election of Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
  2. Agree the minutes of the AGM in August
  3. Membership
  4. Election of the host of PLANCKS 2018
  5. Other points of interest

We are very much looking forward to candidates who can host PLANCKS in 2018. It is our largest competition and our largest event after the ICPS. Any member committee – national or local – can apply. Should you be in doubt, you are encouraged to consult the information on our webpage. Questions regarding the endeavour are welcome at:

We look forward to seeing you this December.

IAPS 2022-2023

Fund your participation at the ICPS 2016

Participating in the ICPS now has even less barriers – introducing the ICPS Worldwide Grant!

The grant is given to help academically gifted, but financially challanged, students to participate in the International Conference of Physics Students. The grant is large enough to cover the participation fee and up to 80 % of the travel expenses for a total of a maximum 1000 €.

Deadline for receiving applications is 20 March. Details are available here.

Also don’t forget to check the jIAPS Article Contest where you can win your participation fee.

Note that, after Monday 29 February (CET), the participation fee is 40 € more expensive. Registration continues until all places are taken. Read more on the ICPS here.

IAPS 2022-2023

Submit Your Opinion

What should the Executive Committee of IAPS be aware of? What should it discuss? Have you something on your mind? Then tell us!

The IAPS Executive Committee is having its yearly meeting in Mulhouse, France at the headquarters of the European Physical Society in order to discuss IAPS in the coming year and in general. The meeting is the most important within IAPS after the general assembly which is why it is especially important that IAPS receives your input.

So what should the EC discuss? Write your suggestion to:

The meeting takes place 29 November – 1 December 2015.


IAPS 2022-2023

Frontiers of Quantum Optics

Logo of the International Year of Light 2015 (vertical)

A very special event in the International Year of Light will take place on October 25-30, 2015, in the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef, Germany, and advanced master and PhD students are very welcome to participate.
The 600th Heraeus seminar will give an overview on the recent achievements in the field of quantum optics, namely the Bose Einstein condensation of light and matter, Hawking radiation, the Unruh effect, tests of the foundations of quantum mechanics, etc.

Confirmed speakers of the seminar are the world’s leading experts in the field of quantum optics, including the three Nobel Laureates: Prof. William D. Philipps, Prof. Dr. Theodor W. Hänsch and Prof. Dr. Roy J. Glauber.

Thanks to the generous support of the Heraeus foundation, accommodation and meals will be provided for all selected participants free of charge.

Don’t miss this fascinating opportunity to learn more about the quantum nature of light and matter!

Website of the 600. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar                    we-heraeus-logo-125w

IAPS 2022-2023

Balaton Summer School

The Hungarian Association of Physics Students (Mafihe) organizes the Balaton Summer School (BSS), which will be held July 20 – July 26, 2015 at Lake Balaton, Hungary.

The Summer School tries to complete the education of the physics students at the university with giving them the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a special branch of science and learn the newest achievements in research. It is also the place where the students have the chance to discuss their ideas and use the knowledge which they gained during the semesters.

Speakers are invited in all the hot topics in physics which are related to light. The topics will include spectroscopy, photonics, quantum optics, astrophysics and laser physics.

Fore more detailed information and registration:


IAPS 2022-2023

LAMELIS 2015 – Summer school on Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences

The city of Szeged is proud to have been chosen as the site of one of the four pillars of a massive European laser project entitled ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure). Szeged is going to host ELI-ALPS (Attosecond Light Pulse Source), a facility dedicated to ultra-short laser pulses. Apart from breaking new ground in the study of very fast atomic and molecular processes, it is also expected to bring about improvements in medicine and life sciences. To discuss and disseminate the implications of these developments, the University of Szeged organised a summer school entitled Lasers in Medicine and Life Sciences (LAMELIS) in 2014 (the talks are available on Youtube). The organisers feel that the feedback they have received on the quality of the talks and the atmosphere of the first event is not only an encouragement but also an obligation to establish a tradition, so they announce a LAMELIS again this year. The LAMELIS 2015 summer school will be held between 13th and 18th July.

The summer school is open to both medical students and physics students. Although the theoretical depth of talks is tailored for medical students, the programme can also benefit physics students as they can learn of medical applications of lasers directly from distinguished experts of the field and receive first-hand information on the current status of ELI-ALPS.

Further information:
Application Form

IAPS 2022-2023

Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme – wrapping up!

Registration for the Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme is now closed! Thanks to all those who registered in the past week! Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer a place to everyone, but we will try our best to satisfy as many as possible.

The Organizing Committee will shortly be in contact with all those who completed the registration form. We are really looking forward to meeting the group in Rome in just a few weeks!

IAPS 2022-2023

iaps@GranSasso 2015 – 2nd round of registration

We are now able to offer additional places for the Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme! A second round of registration is open for students wishing to participate as “Observers”, i.e. without presenting talks/posters during the event.

Registration is now open until Sunday 29th of March at 12:00 (CET) at the following link:

We also have some fantastic news for you all: our visit of the ENEA Frascati research center is now confirmed! The ENEA organisation has also agreed to provide us with the full financial support that we requested, so we will be able to further improve our scientific and cultural offer to you! An updated version of the Programme is now available on the event’s page.

We have received many compliments for our logo and poster designs. Full credit goes to Kelvin, Tsz Hei Choi, who will also join us in Italy! We are very grateful for the fantastic work he did. IAPS_GranSasso_Purple_png


IAPS 2022-2023

iaps@Gran Sasso – Deadline extension

A deadline extension for the Particle & Astroparticle Physics Spring Programme has been agreed to give students from some new countries the opportunity to apply. The new deadline for registration and abstract submissions is:

Saturday, March 7th, 13:00 (CET).

Please notice that if you registered to present a talk and/or a poster, your abstract will need to be received by the Organising Committee before such deadline.


Registration continues here: