
IAPS Extraordinary General Meeting 2022, 10th April 2022

The IAPS Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 2022 will be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on Sunday, March 10th at 13:00 UTC on Zoom. The primary aim of this EGM is to elect a new IT Manager for the IAPS EC for the remainder of the 2021-2022 term. Members are welcome to suggest points for the agenda until the 6th of March 2022.


ICPS 2022 now online

With the Covid-19 pandemic still raging in a majority of the world and the new variant being more dangerous than ever before, we as the community face new uncertainties and risks. Thus, because the health of all IAPS members is the highest priority to us, instead of fully canceling the event, we will provide you in next year’s summer with a beautiful online ICPS 2022 made in Mexico.

So stay tuned for the ICPS 2022 Social Media and website and don’t miss the registration opening soon.

Announcements Opportunities

Call For Working Group Members

Working groups for the 2021-2022 term have now been launched! These are a great low-commitment way to get more involved with IAPS. See a full list below:

  • The Outreach working group spreads the joy of physics to students around the world and uses the IAPS platform to speak up for students who need it.
  • The PR working group keeps students engaged and informed in the IAPS community, through creative posts, initiatives and campaigns.
  • The Recruitment working group aims to to make IAPS even more international, empowering students around the world to form student groups (IAPS Local and National Committees).
  • The Membership & Advocacy working group provides the backbone to the IAPS community and ensures that each National and Local Committee is getting all the support, help and value that IAPS can provide.
  • The Events working group oversees events run by IAPS Local and National Committees, and also hosts many additional events, such as iaps2CERN and the IAPS Industry Talks.
  • The Finances working group fundraises for IAPS initiatives and is crucial in ensuring that IAPS’ year-round events are possible.
  • The IT working group maintains, updates and recreates IAPS’ IT infrastructure. With a new website, database and more platforms coming soon, there are many projects to get involved in.
  • The External Relations working group maintains strong relationships with IAPS’ partners, makes the most of these partnerships and builds connections with new organisations.
  • The Strategic Committee works to help IAPS reach its strategic goals. This working group is perfect for anyone with ideas for how things could be improved and excitement for what IAPS could become.

If you have any questions, email Working groups are a fantastic way to meet new people in IAPS, get involved in cool projects and increase your chances if you plan to run for any elected IAPS positions.

We will be holding a Working Group Fair on Kumospace at 14:00 – 15:00 UTC on Sunday the 26th of September (join here). It will be a good opportunity to speak with the working group leaders and ask any questions you may have.

IAPS 2022-2023

IAPS Annual General Meeting 2021, 14th & 15th of August 2021 – Final call

The IAPS Annual General Meeting 2021, hereby AGM 2021, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on Saturday & Sunday, August 14th & 15th 2021 starting at 12:30 UTC on August 14th, through the IAPS BigBlueButton server.

Please find below the final AGM 2021 agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Minute Taker and Tellers
2. Membership
  2.1 Voting Rights
  2.2 New Members
  2.3 Expulsions
  2.4 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the March 27th 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting
4. Resolution of Auditors Report and Accounts of the 2018/2019 Executive Committee
5. Presentation of and discussion on Auditors Report and Accounts of the 2019/2020 Executive Committee
6. Election of the Auditors
7. Election of the IAPS Alumni Representatives
8. Election of the jIAPS Editor-in-Chief
9. Election of the IAPS Archivist
10. Presentation of and discussion on 2020/21 Executive Committee Report
11. Discussion on and approval of the 2022/23 Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities
12. Advocacy, Diversity and Inclusion in IAPS
  12.1 People with disabilities in Physics and the IAPS Accessibility Guidelines
  12.2 Women in Physics and the Waterloo Charter
  12.3 Science advocacy and the Lindau Guidelines
  12.4 Student advocacy
  12.5 LGBTQ+ people in Physics
  12.6 National, racial and ethnic diversity in Physics
13. IAPS Strategic Planning
  13.1 Presentation of and discussion on the Evaluation Report of the implementation of 2018-2021 IAPS Strategic Plan
  13.2 Discussion and approval of the 2021-2024 IAPS Strategic Plan
14. Discussion and approval of the 2021/2022 Budget
15. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
16. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the PLANCKS General Rules
17. External Relations
  17.1 Discussion and approval of the format of the IAPS IUPAP Affiliated Commission status
  17.2 Election of the IAPS IUPAP Affiliated Commission representative members
  17.3 Ratification of Memoranda of Understanding
  17.4 Presentation and discussion of IAPS participation in the Global Student Government organisation
  17.5 Discussion on IAPS applying to become an Affiliate Member of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  17.6 Discussion on developing an application for IAPS to become an Affiliated Member of the International Science Council
  17.7 Discussion on developing an application for IAPS to obtain Consultative Status with UNESCO
  17.8 Discussion on External Relations Liaisons
  17.9 Additional matters
18. Selection of the 2022 IAPS School Day Topic
19. iaps2CERN
  19.1 Presentation of status of planning for iaps2CERN 2022
  20.1 Presentation of Final Report on PLANCKS 2020
  20.2 Presentation of Preliminary Report on PLANCKS 2021
  20.3 Presentation of Progress Report on PLANCKS 2022
  20.4 Election of the host of the PLANCKS 2023
21. ICPS
  21.1 Resolution of Final Report on ICPS 2019
  21.2 Presentation of Progress Report on ICPS 2022
  21.3 Election of the host of the ICPS 2023
22. Election of the 2021/22 Executive Committee members
23. Other points of interest

Announcements News

IAPS Annual General Meeting 2021, 14th & 15th of August 2021

The IAPS Annual General Meeting 2021, hereby AGM 2021, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on Saturday & Sunday, August 14th & 15th 2021 starting at 12:30 UTC on August 14th. We expect to hold the meeting using the IAPS BigBlueButton server.

Please find below the draft AGM 2021 agenda, to which any IAPS member can propose changes, namely the addition of agenda items per the IAPS Charter point 17.4. The Executive Committee requests that these be sent by email to until 12:29 UTC on July 10th, in order to give the EC time to determine how to include the points in the final agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Minute Taker and Tellers
2. Membership
2.1 Voting Rights
2.2 New Members
2.3 Expulsions
2.4 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the March 27th 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting
4. Resolution of Auditors Report and Accounts of the 2018/2019 Executive Committee
5. Presentation of and discussion on Auditors Report and Accounts of the 2019/2020 Executive Committee
6. Election of the Auditors
7. Election of the IAPS Alumni Representatives
8. Election of the IAPS Archivist
9. Presentation of and discussion on 2020/21 Executive Committee Report
10. Discussion on and approval of the 2022/23 Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities
11. IAPS Strategic Planning
11.1 Presentation of and discussion on the Evaluation Report of the implementation of 2018-2021 IAPS Strategic Plan
11.2 Discussion and approval of the 2021-2024 IAPS Strategic Plan
12. Discussion and approval of the 2021/2022 Budget
13. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
14. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
15. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the PLANCKS General Rules
16. External Relations
16.1 Discussion and approval of the format of the IAPS IUPAP Affiliated Commission status
16.2 Election of the IAPS IUPAP Affiliated Commission board members
16.3 Ratification of the IAPS-IAU Memorandum of Understanding
16.4 Ratification of the IAPS-IAGA Memorandum of Understanding
16.5 Ratification of the IAPS-ASP Memorandum of Understanding
16.6 Ratification of the IAPS-IUPAB Memorandum of Understanding
16.7 Ratification of the IAPS-IAVCEI Memorandum of Understanding
16.8 Ratification of the IAPS-IUCr Memorandum of Understanding
16.9 Presentation and discussion of IAPS participation in the Global Student Government organisation
16.10 Discussion and vote on IAPS applying to become an Affiliate Member of the IUGG
16.11 Discussion and vote on developing an application for IAPS to become an Affiliated Member of the ISC
16.12 Discussion and vote on developing an application for IAPS to obtain Consultative Status with UNESCO
16.13 Discussion on External Relations Liaisons
16.14 Additional matters
17. Selection of the 2022 IAPS School Day Topic
18. iaps2CERN
18.1 Presentation of status of planning for iaps2CERN 2022
19.1 Presentation of Final Report on PLANCKS 2020
19.2 Presentation of Preliminary Report on PLANCKS 2021
19.3 Presentation of Progress Report on PLANCKS 2022
19.4 Election of the host of the PLANCKS 2023
20. ICPS
20.1 Resolution of Final Report on ICPS 2019
20.2 Presentation of Progress Report on ICPS 2022
20.3 Election of the host of the ICPS 2023
21. Election of the 2021/22 Executive Committee members
22. Other points of interest

External Relations News

IAPS-IAU Collaboration established!

We are excited to announce that IAPS has established a formal collaboration with the International Astronomical Union (IAU), in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) and the Division C on Education, Heritage, and Outreach!

Signed on May 4th, this MoU expresses the importance of cooperation on matters such as outreach, advocacy, diversity and science communication, in particular within the scope of the amazing work of the IAU on all these aspects.

We look forward to many practical ways to reflect this connection between the IAPS and the IAU communities, spread across the world.

Due to the date of signing and the astronomy theme, it is only logical to wish everybody (even with some delay): May the fourth be with you!

For more information, check the announcement on the IAU website:

Members News

Extraordinary General Meeting, March 2021 – Final call

The IAPS March 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting, hereby EGM, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on Sunday, March 27th 2021 starting at 12:30 UTC. We expect to hold the meeting using Zoom or a developing IAPS internal BigBlueButton plaftorm.

The National Committee representatives will have 7 votes, and the Local Committee representatives will have 2 votes. All of the individual members from one country have 1 vote between them. All member committees are to send details of their representatives with delegated voting rights, maximum of 2 delegates, to the Executive Committee prior to the meeting. Other topics may also be discussed during the meeting under the other topics point but these discussions cannot be used to make formal decisions, per articles 17.5 and 17.6 of the IAPS Charter.

Please find below the final EGM agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
2. Membership
  2.1 Voting Rights
  2.2 New Members
  2.3 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the December 20th 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting
4. Election of the new IAPS EC Events Manager for the remainder of the 2020/2021 term
5. Other points of interest

Members News

Extraordinary General Meeting, March 2021

The IAPS March 2021 Extraordinary General Meeting, hereby EGM, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) on Sunday, March 27th 2021 starting at 12:30 UTC. We expect to hold the meeting using Zoom or a developing internal platform.

Please find below the draft EGM agenda, to which any IAPS member can propose changes, namely the addition of agenda items per the IAPS Charter point 17.4. The Executive Committee requests that these be sent until 23:59 UTC on February 25th, in order to give the EC time to determine how to include the points in the final agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
2. Membership
  2.1 Voting Rights
  2.2 New Members
  2.3 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the December 20th 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting
4. Election of the new IAPS EC Events Manager for the remainder of the 2020/2021 term
5. Other points of interest

IAPS 2022-2023

Extraordinary General Meeting, December 2020

IAPS December Extraordinary General Meeting, hereby EGM, is going to be hosted online by the IAPS Executive Committee on Sunday, December 20th 2020 starting at 01:00 PM UTC. We expect to hold the meeting using Jitsi or Zoom

The National Committee representatives will have 7 votes, and the Local Committee representatives will have 2 votes. All of the individual members from one country have 1 vote between them. All member committees are to send details of their representatives with delegated voting rights, maximum of 2 persons, to the Executive Committee prior to the meeting. Other topics may also be discussed during the meeting under the other topics point but these discussions cannot be used to make formal decisions.

Please find below the final EGM agenda.

1. Election of the Chair, Secretary, and Tellers
2. Membership
  2.1 Voting Rights
  2.2 New Members
  2.3 Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting
  3.1  Proposed resolution on voiding votes under point 21.5 of AGM 2020
  4.1 PLANCKS 2020 overview
  4.2 PLANCKS Rules Working Group Report
  4.3 Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the PLANCKS Rules
  4.4 Election of the host for PLANCKS 2022
  5.1 Report for current status of 2021 ICPS
6. EPS Young Minds Agreement
7. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
8. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
9. External Relations
  9.1 General updates on contacts with Physics-related unions, societies and organisations
  9.2 General updates on contacts with student organisations
  9.3 General updates on contacts with Physics-related journal publishers
  9.4 General updates on contacts with industry-related institutions and networks
  9.5 General updates on contact with IUPAP
  9.6 Discussion and vote on proposal of Memorandum of Understanding from the International Association of Volcanology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI)
  9.7 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to the African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications (ASP)
  9.8 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)
  9.9 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
  9.10 Discussion and vote on proposing Memorandum of Understanding to The Optical Society (OSA)  
10. Legal, administrative and financial aspects
  10.1 Contact with le Tribunal Judiciaire regarding Charter
  10.2 Change of bank
11. Engagement within IAPS
  11.1 Working Groups
  11.2 Thematic discussion groups
  11.3 Communication with members and affiliated students
12. First quarter Executive Committee work update and review13. Update on IAPS Auditors for 2020/2021 term
14. Other points of interest


IAPS Statement on the Breach of Fundamental Rights of Belarusian Students

September 16th, 2020

The International Association of Physics Students represents thousands of physics students around the world, and is committed to the well-being of our member community. Students’ rights form the foundation of academic development and civic engagement. Therefore, it is the responsibility of IAPS to address matters which impede upon these rights.

IAPS is deeply concerned with the infringement of fundamental human and civil rights following the recent presidential election in Belarus. A culture of fear has been imposed upon academics who criticised policies of the current government. Members of the scientific community who signed an open letter against the ongoing violence have been intimidated by the head of the Belarusian Academy of Science. Rights of thousands of peaceful Belarusians have been violated through unprecedented physical violence, restriction of internet access and suppression of freedom of speech. 

We are troubled by the implication of these events on the educational and academic activities of fellow students. IAPS stands in solidarity with the Belarusian scientific community and supports their call for an end to violence and the arrests of peaceful protestors.

The Executive Committee of the International Association of Physics Students

The International Association of Physics Students (IAPS), as its Charter states, is an international, student-run educational association, which aims to encourage physics students in their academic and professional growth by developing an ever-growing worldwide community within which peaceful relations are established in a collaborative, diverse and friendly social environment.

You can read the Original Statement from the People of the Republic of Belarus:

Things We Can Do As Students:

1. Write (open) letters of support.

2. Members can sign this open letter in support of Belarusian scientists who are now under administrative pressure for their civil stance: Statement in support of Belarusian scientists:

3. If your university has contacts or partnerships with education officials at Belarusian universities, please use them to express solidarity with protesting students and concerns with lawless repressions;

4. Spread the word about the situation in Belarus / Belarusian academia with the help of local media, student organizations, public events at your university;

5. Donate to Belarus Solidarity Foundation:

To read more about the latest events in English, please follow these links: