12th September 2022 is the 35th Anniversary of IAPS! Join us to continue building a larger and more inclusive community.
In 1986, four Hungarian physics students, Levai, Horváth, Budai and Van had the idea of creating an international association of physics students and in 1987, their proposal was formally accepted at the 2nd International Conference of Students of Physics (ICSP, or as it is now renamed, ICPS).
35th Anniversary Competition
How will you celebrate IAPS’ 35th Anniversary?
Will you host a party with your local Physics society or LC? Could you bake a cake or sample traditional dishes from around the world? You could do something related to the number 35 – anything from making a list of 35 Physicists to doing 35 press-ups… in this competition, any entries are accepted, whether they are simple or creative or extraordinary. You can think out-of-the-box or just say ‘happy birthday’ in your native language. Whatever you do, we would love to hear from you. Just email your entry (in any format) to jiaps@iaps.info . The winning entries will be featured in jIAPS 2023 (prizes and deadline TBC).
Read more about the History of IAPS in ‘Made In Hungary’ and look out for future events over the next year, to celebrate this special anniversary.