Looking for the upcoming edition? ICPS 2024 is happening in Tbilisi, Georgia. Click on the link to find out more!

ICPS 2019 in Cologne, Germany

ICPS is the International Conference of Physics Students and is IAPS’ founding event. Each year, a different IAPS Local or Territorial Committee organises the ICPS in their country. The purpose of this conference is to create opportunities for physics students from all around the world to come together, talk about science and life, practice presenting their research and to have a great time!

The first ICPS was organized by students of the Eötvös Loránd University, in Budapest, Hungary in 1986. The event had fewer than fifty participants, but since then, the conference has grown considerably, nowadays bringing together more than four hundred students.

The conference lasts for one week and contains a wealth of scientific, social and touristic programs. Participants get a chance to attend and give lectures on various topics in physics, to check out the laboratories and sights of the host city, to make friends with students from different countries, immerse themselves in exciting cultures and to see another part of the world.

The last ICPS was held in 2023 in Baguio City and Manila, Philippines. This year it will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia. If you want to participate in ICPS you must become a member of IAPS.

Every IAPS Territorial and Local Committee can bid to host ICPS. The IAPS Annual General Meeting, held in August of each year, will then elect the future organiser of ICPS. This election occurs two years prior to ICPS taking place. If your committee is interested to prepare a bid for ICPS 2026, please contact the IAPS Executive Committee at ec@iaps.info and events@iaps.info.

Future Edition

  • ICPS 2025 Novi Sad, Serbia

Previous Editions