The final agenda of the 2019 Annual General Meeting has been released to members by the IAPS Executive Committee, as posted below.
2019 Annual General Meeting – Final Agenda
1. Election of the Chair, Secretary and Tellers
2. Membership
2.1. Voting Rights
2.2. New Members
2.3. Expulsions
2.4. Quorum
3. Approval of the minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
4. Auditors report and accounts of the 2017/2018 Executive Committee
5. Election of Auditors
6. Election of IAPS Alumni Representative
7. Election of IAPS Archivist
8. 2018/19 Executive Committee Report
9. 2019/20 Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities Document
10. Discussion and vote on the IAPS Strategic Plan
11. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Charter
12. Discussion and vote on any proposed modifications of the Regulations
13. IAPS Code of Conduct
14. IAPS Privacy Policy Update
15. IAPS Reimbursement Guide
16. 2020 Budget
17. 2020 IAPS School Day Topic
18. iaps2CERN
18.1. Final Report for 2019 iaps2CERN
19.1. Final Report for 2019 PLANCKS
19.2. Progress Report for 2020 PLANCKS
19.3. Election of the host for the 2021 PLANCKS
20. ICPS
20.1. Final Report for 2018 ICPS
20.2. Progress Report for 2020 ICPS
20.3. Election of the host of the 2021 ICPS
21. Election of Executive Committee members
22. Other points of interest
To be held physically at the University of Cologne, in Cologne, Germany, during day 4 of ICPS, starting at 9:00 AM CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2) on August 13th, this meeting is open for online attendance, which IAPS members can request by sending an e-mail to president@iaps.info.
Once more, we remind everyone that, per IAPS Charter, National Committees (NCs) will have 7 votes, Local Committees (LCs) will have 2 votes and Individual Members from each country have, collectively, 1 vote.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact president@iaps.info!