This page contains the information a candidate for Events Manager of the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) needs to know. Be sure to first read what any EC candidate needs to know.
Note: regarding the office description, it is important to know the tasks of EC members for a given year, considering what is defined in the Charter and Regulations, are proposed by the EC of the previous year. This proposal may be the object of changes during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at which the EC members are elected by decision of AGM participants, either due to a specific proposal or as a result of Charter or Regulations changes.
The IAPS EC proposed the following tasks for the Events Manager:
- Manage IAPS events (excursions, conferences, competitions, etc)
- Co-organise and supervise iaps2CERN
- Keep track of ICPS and PLANCKS (remaining from the previous year, current year and agreements with next year’s OC)
- Support and promote the organisation of new IAPS events
- Communicate with IAPS member committees who are organising or might organise IAPS events, especially events cancelled during 2020
- Ensure that all IAPS events are approved by the EC properly
- Develop a framework for synchronised events, with the goal of holding at least one
- Investigate online events for IAPS and its member committees
Useful Skills
- Proper communication, as you will be the main EC contact to event OCs
- Event planning abilities, including making budget and schedule projections, structuring action plans and distributing functions
- Team leadership, as you’ll coordinate groups of volunteers, whether its the Events Working Group or an event’s organising team
- Experience organising events involving visits to scientific or cultural institutions and different types of activities across several days
What to expect right after the AGM
- Your first official EC meeting, still during ICPS, including the outgoing EC
- Your handover meeting with the outgoing Events Manager
- Go through some available event reports, especially those from the current term, to have a reference for the term
What to expect throughout the year
- Receiving event proposals from members
- Communicating with and supporting the Organising Committees (OCs) of PLANCKS and ICPS of your own term
- Negotiating the agreements between the IAPS EC and the OCs of PLANCKS and ICPS of the following year
- Preparing and organising iaps2CERN
- Reaching out to members to promote and support the organisation of collaborative events between IAPS members or with other associations, like student organisations of other areas of study
- Delegating specific responsibilities to the members of the Events Working Group
Are you ready to run? Go back here and check how you announce your candidature.
Best wishes in – to put it in the words of Harvey Dent – making your own luck (in this case, we certainly don’t mean using tricks to guarantee your election like a two heads-sided coin)!