Fundraising Officer

Role Overview:

The Fundraising Officer is a vital elected position within the International Association of Physics Students. This role focuses on securing financial support to sustain and enhance the organization’s activities, ensuring that IAPS can continue to provide valuable services and opportunities to its members. The Fundraising Officer works under the supervision of the Treasurer, ensuring alignment with the organization’s financial strategies and goals.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Sponsorship Offers:
    • Write and regularly update comprehensive sponsorship proposals to attract potential sponsors.
    • Tailor offers to meet the interests and needs of prospective sponsors, highlighting the benefits of partnering with IAPS.
  • Database Management:
    • Create and maintain a detailed database of potential sponsors and donors.
    • Ensure all contact information is up-to-date and accurately recorded.
    • Regularly update the database with new leads and maintain ongoing communications with all contacts.
  • Prospective Sponsors and Donors:
    • Identify and establish connections with potential sponsors and donors.
    • Maintain consistent and positive communication to build and nurture long-term relationships.
    • Provide sponsors and donors with regular updates on IAPS activities and achievements.
  • Grants and Competitions:
    • Monitor and track potential grants and competitions that align with IAPS goals and initiatives.
    • Keep a detailed record of deadlines and application requirements to ensure timely submissions.
  • Application Management:
    • Oversee the preparation and submission of grant applications and competition entries.
    • Collaborate with relevant IAPS committees and members to gather necessary information and documentation.
    • Ensure all applications are thorough, accurate, and submitted on time.


The Fundraising Officer operates under the supervision of the Treasurer. This collaborative relationship ensures that all fundraising efforts align with IAPS’s financial strategies and objectives, contributing to the organization’s overall financial health and sustainability.

Why This Role is Important:

The Fundraising Officer plays a crucial role in sustaining the financial health of IAPS. By securing sponsorships, grants, and other funding opportunities, this officer helps ensure that IAPS can continue to offer educational programs, events, and support to physics students worldwide. This role requires a proactive and organized individual who is passionate about fostering relationships and has a knack for identifying and securing funding opportunities.