AC5 Council

In November 2021 IAPS officially became an Affiliated Commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) as the Affiliated Commission 5 (AC5).

The AC5 Council is chaired by the IAPS Vice-President, consisting of IAPS members and an Alumni Representative, and is elected annually in the IAPS AGM. This Council is responsible to manage and facilitate effective collaboration between IAPS and IUPAP for shared objectives. See the formal structure of the AC5 Council here.

AC5 Council secures IUPAP Conference Sponsorship for IAPS major events namely, ICPS and PLANCKS, and is actively involved in IUPAP’s C14: Physics Education, WG16: Physics and Industry and WG5: Women in Physics. IAPS is represented by the President of the Executive Committee and preferably accompanied by the AC5 Council Chair at the IUPAP EC&CC Meeting and General Assembly each year. The AC5 Council introduces an exciting initiative, the IUPAP AC5 Early Career Scientist Prize. This prestigious prize recognizes excellence in academic achievement and associative contributions to the global physics community, awarded at the IAPS flagship event, ICPS.

Please contact and, should you have any questions. To apply, send your CV and Letter of Candidacy to before the AGM.

See more information about the AGM and elections in the AGM 2022 Guide.