

We are pleased to announce that the registration is now open for the 2018 edition of iaps2CERN!

The registration will close at 11:59am on Sunday, January 28th 2018, and there is a limit for the maximum number of participants.

Spend 4 days in Geneva, discover CERN, and get to know physics students from all over the world!


IAPS 2022-2023

New Year

Happy new year to all IAPS members!

Here’s a teaser for the event we’re planning, can you guess where the trip is?

Info and registration will go live in a couple days so stay tuned!

IAPS 2022-2023


Iaps4fusion is the annual excursion for all IAPS members to come to the UK and have an exciting weekend learning about fusion and particle physics, with the next event being held on the 24 – 27 June 2018.

The event and accommodation is based in London and encompasses visits to the University of Oxford, the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (for the JET fusion reactor) and Imperial College London.

You’ll also be welcomed to the Institute of Physics (IOP) by their particle physics group and have time to see the sights around London and Oxford.

Please note that there are a maximum of 40 places available; 20 have been reserved for UK students and 20 for international students. Registration is currently open and costs £125. If you are a current master’s student, you can apply for a travel grant via European Fusion Education Network (FUSENET).

Info on the grant and on how to register can be found on our website.


IAPS 2022-2023

UNESCO proclaims May 16th as the International Day of Light

PARIS, 14 November 2017: The 37th Session of the UNESCO General Conference has today proclaimed the date of May 16th as the InternaEonal Day of Light. The proclamation of this annual International Day will enable global appreciation of the central role that light and light-based technologies play in the lives of the citizens of the world in areas of science, technology, culture, education, and sustainable development. The International Day of Light is an enduring follow-up to UNESCO’s highly successful International Year of Light in 2015 that reached over 100 million people in over 140 countries.

Partners worldwide are now making plans for an ambitious series of outreach and education activities in May 2018, with special focus on students, young people and the public at large. In addition, a flagship inauguration featuring Nobel Laureates and leaders in areas of education, industry, design and lighting will take place on 16 May 2018 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.

The International Association of Physics Students is going to contribute to the International Day of Light, organizing new activities and participating with a delegation of volunteers to the flagship event on May 16 2018 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
More information about IAPS involvement and International Day of Light activities will  follow in the next weeks.

Twitter: #IDL2018
IAPS email reference:

IAPS 2022-2023

School Day 2017

Are you ready for the School Day 2017 ?

Today, November 10th on the occasion of  the World Science Day for Peace and Development, our members will perform locally at their universities or in schools a project day for high school students under a common topic. IAPS has been celebrating this day as the “School Day” under a common topic worldwide. The topic for this  year is “Acoustics”.

IAPS 2022-2023

School Day Grant Extension!

You now have till the 20th October to send in a grant application.

Info on the grant can be found here:

Advocacy Events

School Day 2017, November 10th

Usually one might think of an international event to be located at some place one has to travel to – which can be a huge effort not everyone is able to take. Therefore, we are particularly proud of the IAPS School Day concept which was established in 2015 during the UN International Year of Light. It’s both local and international!

On the 10th of November, the World Science Day for Peace and Development, all our members perform locally at their universities or in schools a project day for high school students under a common topic. The topic for this year is “Acoustics”. One of the goals with this international event is to make more pupils interested in physics. To sum up, the School Day can be run locally, but it can still be internationally connected e.g. via video calls between committees.

So come let’s join hands together to educate and inspire the world with beauty of Physics and play a part of a tone to this wonderful melody of science education and outreach.

Got some ideas and plans on activities and your model of celebrating the School Day? Maybe you could be of help to many others willing to participate. Do send us your plans and ideas at edu (at) or at binod.bhattarai (at) Or are you wondering how you can model a day and activities? Do write us at any of our above email addresses with your questions and queries. We will connect you with other interested committees like yours and you can collaborate to participate in the School Day together.

You can get some help from the following guideline adapted from our IYL, School Day Guideline. However, please note that you don’t have to stick to this guideline and you may design the day and activities you want to include as per your wish and needs.

While you start modelling your school day event, do your activities require experimental setups and instruments ? Is the financial need stopping your association from organizing the best School Day event you have planned? Do not worry, you can also apply for the famous IAPS School Day Grant. IAPS is willing to support up to 400 Euros per association as a support for organizing the School Day with up to 1200 Euros given out by IAPS in total. You can find the link to the grant call here. Send us a proposal before October 15, 2017.

An Example School Day
IAPS 2022-2023

The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics

It’s the biggest event of the physics season (after ICPS)…..
The Physics Nobel prize!
Watch below to see the live award ceremony at 11:45 CEST



IAPS 2022-2023

IAPS turns 30!

Today, 12th September 2017 is IAPS’ birthday. The institution which you call come to know and love is celebrating today to mark its 3rd decade since its founding. IAPS was founded because an enterprising group of Hungarian physicists, in the mix of the cold war wanted to look forward to a bright future where physics students of any nationality, race or creed could get meet and discuss freely. A direction at that time the world was not heading towards. They founded the first ICPS with this goal in 1986 and a year later in 1987 IAPS was born.

Since then IAPS has grown to include more the 40 countries worldwide and has a wide program of events. From outreach in the International School day to excursions such as iaps2cern. From competitions like PLANCKS to the flagship event that started it all ICPS.

Join us today in celebrating the work IAPS has don’t over the past 30 years, which we hope to continue and expand for decades more!

IAPS 2022-2023

Interested in working with IAPS?

We are currently sending out calls to join IAPS “Subbies” and volenteer comittees.
An organisation as big as IAPS cannot be run by 9 people, which is why we rely on people joining our subbies to help keeps the cogs turning and IAPS running smoothly.

By joining a subbie you will have the opportunity to work closely with the respective EC member to help coordinate what needs to be done, whether it’s helping to coordinate events, generating material for the newsletter and jIAPS, helping to reach members across the globe or having fun with grant proposals and sponsorships.

More specific call for each induvial subbie can be found in the volenteer section of the website, or below for convience!


Member & Advocacy:



