Jyri Genral President
Home country: Finland
Home university: University of Jyväskylä
Interests in physics: Electronics, particle physics, and everything involved in between
Current position: Bachelor student
Three words to describe IAPS: international, fun, special fun with the IAPS AGM

Margaret Rosenberg Treasurer
Home country: Austria
Home university: University of Vienna
Interests in physics: Soft matter physics, computational physics
Current position: PhD student
Three words to describe IAPS: (to quote a previous Treasurer:) spreadsheets, fun, fun with spreadsheets

Augustin Orešković Secretary
Home country: Croatia
Home university: University of Zagreb
Interests in physics: Material physics
Current position: Master student
Three words to describe IAPS: the, best, thing

Anna Varsted Membership and Alumni Manager
Home country: Denmark
Home university: University of Copenhagen
Interests in physics: Particle physics
Current position: Bachelor student
Three words to describe IAPS: salad memes, collaboration, travel

Owen Higgins Events Manager
Home country: Ireland
Home university: University of Liège, Belgium
Interests in physics: Astrophysics, space science
Current position: Master student
Three words to describe IAPS: community, science, activity

Eetu Rimo PR Manager
Home country: Finland
Home university: University of Helsinki
Interests in physics: Meteorology, atmospheric physics
Current position: Master student
Three words to describe IAPS: far-reaching, friends, fantastic

Mogens Henrik From IT Manager & Data Protection Officer
Home country: Denmark
Home university: University of Southern Denmark
Interests in physics: Quantum optics, atomic physics
Current position: Master student
Three words to describe IAPS: community, networking, collaboration

Luka Cavaliere Lokas Outreach Manager
Home country: Croatia
Home university: University of Zagreb
Interests in physics: Cold atoms, dynamical systems, energetics
Current position: Bachelor student
Three words to describe IAPS: great ideas, coherence, lot of fun

Duarte Graça Vice-President / Advocacy and Recruitment Manager
Home country: Portugal
Home university: University of Porto
Interests in physics: Particle physics and cosmology
Current position: Master student
Three words to describe IAPS: solidarity, cooperation, development
The email addresses of the Executive Committee members are of the form: firstname.lastname(at)iaps.info
Former Executive Committee members

Veli-Jussi Haanpää IT Manager & Data Protection Officer
Home country: Finland
Home university: University of Oulu
Interests in physics: Astrophysics, astronomy, computational physics, data science
Current position: Master student
Three words to describe IAPS: Collaboration, networking, equality