We are currently sending out calls to join IAPS “Subbies” and volenteer comittees.
An organisation as big as IAPS cannot be run by 9 people, which is why we rely on people joining our subbies to help keeps the cogs turning and IAPS running smoothly.
By joining a subbie you will have the opportunity to work closely with the respective EC member to help coordinate what needs to be done, whether it’s helping to coordinate events, generating material for the newsletter and jIAPS, helping to reach members across the globe or having fun with grant proposals and sponsorships.
More specific call for each induvial subbie can be found in the volenteer section of the website, or below for convience!
Finance: https://www.iaps.info/opportunities/volunteering-work/call-for-finances-subbie
Member & Advocacy: https://www.iaps.info/opportunities/volunteering-work/members-committee-calls-for-volunteers
PR: https://www.iaps.info/opportunities/volunteering-work/pr-and-jiaps-call-for-volenteers
IT: https://www.iaps.info/opportunities/volunteering-work/call-for-volunteers-it
Events: https://www.iaps.info/opportunities/volunteering-work/call-for-volunteers-events
Outreach: https://www.iaps.info/opportunities/volunteering-work/call-for-volunteers-outreach