Recruitment Manager

This page contains information a candidate for Recruitment Manager of the IAPS Executive Committee (EC) needs to know. Be sure to first read what any EC candidate needs to know.

Note: regarding the office description, it is important to know the tasks of EC members for a given year, considering what is defined in the Charter and Regulations, are proposed by the EC of the previous year. This proposal may be the object of changes during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at which the EC members are elected by decision of AGM participants, either due to a specific proposal or as a result of Charter or Regulations changes.


The IAPS EC is proposing the following tasks for the Recruitment Manager:

  • Consults with existing and prospective members to recruit new Member Committees
  • Develop recruitment tools to promote the creation of local and national committees

Useful skills:

  • Availability, as it is could end up involving a lot of work recruiting people
  • Versatility, as it might be necessary to assist other EC members in their work or develop a project the EC might assign to this office during the year
  • Proper communication, due to the predictable amount of organisations this position may have to contact.
  • Team work posture, because it will be necessary to coordinate very well with the working group and the EC
  • Creativity, as the job description allows the position holder to develop new projects

What to expect right after the AGM:

  • Your first official EC meeting, still during ICPS, with the outgoing EC
  • Your handover meeting with the outgoing Recruitment Manager
  • Get to know the projects that the outgoing Recruitment Manager is leaving to be continued

What to expect throughout the year:

  • Communicating with associations of Physics students to explore new recruitment opportunities
  • Development of new tools for promotion

Are you ready to run? Go back here and see how you announce your candidature.

As they say in Star Wars, may the mass times acceleration be with you!